Friday, October 10, 2003


Added my girlfriend's blog: Green is Good.

Now modified the Webcomics list. Added a couple...

Lets see... I had 19 before changing, now I have...


Only 16 more...


Funny Farm: Although usually light hearted and fun, this occasionally gets dark and mysterious. Great at both. And, yes, some of the characters are animals... (8/10)

Sinfest: A ... mature comic, to say the least. No nudity or anything, but plenty of talk about sex. Also makes fun of religions! YAY! (8/10)

General Protection Fault: The comic for all software engineers. An excelent storyline, great characters, and tons of geek humor, if you couldn't tell by the title. (9/10)

Tao of Geek: Not quite as great as some others, but has characters devoted to D&D, computer games, Anime, and all other geek stuff. Pretty good, but not the best (7/10)

Residence Life: Pretty good at making fun of college and dorms. Guess why I like it :). The main characters also have a pet squirrel named Beer... (8/10)

Queen of Wands: Its another "person's life" comic with some nice humor in it. Main character is female, and tech-savvy, and also just funny and very immature. Also has a good archive. (8/10)

Warbucket: ANOTHER gaming comic, but heavily slanted towards Blizzard games. Usually pretty funny, but I only really read it for the Warcraft comics... (6/10)

Bhag: Low Fantasy: Funny as hell mockery of High Fantasy games. Very funny, and the main character would probably be best characterized as Chaotic Neutral. Great storyline and plenty of jokes (8/10)

Krakow: Good comic where it seems to be based in reality, save for the fact one of the characters is a Succubus. Occasional nudity, btw. Still funny, as the Succubus isn't really evil. (8/10)

Basketcase Comix: These are comics that would feel right at home in any Opinions section of the newspaper. Political comics, and usually very good. BTW: Artist is a member of the Green party, so things tend to slant that way... (8/10)

Slackers: A college strip about two students who never go to class. Not exactly the best role models for me, duh, but I like it the way I liked Clerks as a video-store clerk... (7/10)

Repository of Dangerous Things: Rather funny strip about a warehouse stores dangerous and usually magical things. Main character is a new employee of the place, and he is very curious... (8/10)

Sacred Pie: Sci-fi strip that is more like a comic-book than a comic-strip. It shows the voyages of three friends who come into the possesion of powerful magic items and go into the future to fullfil a destiny things. Very good and should be read by ANY lover of comics. (9/10)

Fallen: A comic that is still fairly young. Seems to be about a former angel and such. Hasn't really taken off yet, but seems to look good. (6/10)

Strings of Fate: Another Comic-book style comic. About a kid who finds out he's a god (sorta...). Really good, but hard to read week to week. I suggust read it either chapter-by-chapter or month-by-month. Still, VERY VERY good. (9/10

Apple Geeks. Another version of Machall. Good, and great art, but nothing to yell and scream about.

Geez, I didn't know I added so many...


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