Wednesday, September 29, 2004

My Monday/Wendesday/Friday...

Note: Times/Situations have been changed purely for comedic affect.

7:30 AM: Alarm clock goes off, as does my computer, which starts playing tunes that, we hope, should wake me up, assuming I didn't mute it last night.

7:31 AM: Hit Snooze.

7:41 AM: Hit Snooze.

7:51 AM: Hit Snooze.

7:52 AM: Jump up frantically and look at alarm clock to see what time it is.

7:53 AM: Fall back into bed.

7:55 AM: Get up and get dressed.

8:00 AM: Begin morning ritual of opening every single webcomic I read in tabs (I'm almost at 70 now...) then go off to eat breakfast while internet line gets clogged.

8:05 AM: Come back with breakfast and read webcomics.

8:35 AM: Finish webcomics and get packed up for school.

8:45 AM: Get on bike and start heading to school.

8:46 AM: Get halfway (in distance, not time) there while pedaling only twice.

8:55 AM: Reach Ring Road.

8:58 AM: Reach first class, lock bike, and enter...

9:00 AM: Writing 39C (fun class, often enough, and lots of chances to "discuss" the reading, in which four people out of a class of 20 talk about the book while the rest just listen (for those of you who don't know, I'm always one of the 4.))

9:50 AM: Should be leaving class now, but the teacher's back is to the clock.

9:55 AM: Leave class and race to my bike.

9:59 AM: Barely manage to reach my next class in time for...

10:00 AM: ICS 51.

10:10 AM: Start to nod off, but still pay attention.

10:12 AM: Fall asleep.

10:14 AM: Wake up, and become determined to stay awake.

10:20 AM: Fall asleep.

10:30 AM: Wake up, and remain awake for rest of lecture.

(NOTE: No, mom and dad, I don't fall asleep in class. I almost do, but I don't. Its not exactly an exciting class and the, uh, 7 hours of sleep are catching up to me.)

10:50 AM: Leave class, hop on bike, and go about thrity yards on my bike to...

11:00 AM: Linguistics 1 (it doesn't take me 10 minutes to reach this, hell, it takes me 2).

11:15 AM: Wonder why the heck the professor is so obsessed about the death of languages.

11:20 AM: She explains why the heck she is so obsessed about the death of languages.

11:50 AM: Leave class.

Now here's the fun part: I have a 2 hour lab at 1. Its about a 45 minute round trip, if you count the 5 minutes I lay collapsed after the ride back. But I'm hungry. So I...

11:51 AM: Leave bike locked at the high traffic area while I walk to the Cornerstone Cafe to grab some lunch.

11:53 AM: Reach the area outside of Administration, Cornerstone, and the Bookstore. The scene here would remind some people in San Fransisco of Critical Mass, except everyone's on foot. I never go this way on bike.

12:00 PM: Reach Cornerstone Cafe.

12:05 PM: Purchase a nice $2 croissant.

12:08 PM: Head to my ICS 51 lab while eating lunch.

12:09 PM: Remember critical mass? Still there. :)

12:18 PM: Reach the lab, mess around on internet until...

1:00 PM: ICS 51 lab.

1:01 PM: Sign in because we all have to be here.

1:05 PM: The TA admits that since we have no homework or labs yet we have nothing to do, so he goes over the stuff covered in lecture three hours ago...

1:10 PM: He declares lab over.

1:11 PM: I head to the bike and go back to the apartment.

1:16 PM: Reach the halfway point (again, distance, not time).

1:30 PM: Reach the apartment, completely exhausted, and collapse onto the bed.

1:35 PM: Get off of the bed, and begin the after school stuff.

Now, were this a wednesday (not this week, tho) I'd have a discussion section for Sociology 1 at 4. So I'd have to stay until 5.

9-5 school days on wednesday...


Just letting you guys know what its like here...


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