Monday, April 25, 2005

Next Gen Madden

Oooh, ahhh...

Yes, there is a link to the pretty little trailer.

Now, I'm oohing and ahhing like nobody's buisness. I mean, that's freaking beautiful.

Of course, no gameplay footage. Its just the "artists concept" of what the game will be like.


Okay, I'm all for EA showing people what their next round of games is going to look like, but, come on, this is pointless! There's no mention of any new features or added functionality, or any current functionality for that matter. All we get is a nice, pretty little prerendered movie that might have no relation, what-so-ever, to the actual game.

And, ya know what? There probably won't be any new features. I highly doubt that any kind of improvement, other than fixing bugs and upgrading the graphics and rosters, will appear in the next-gen version. They're going to half-ass an online mode.


Because they can. Because there is absolutely no reason for them to do otherwise. Their only competition is Midway's Blitz series, an arcade series which can't even use the NFL license anymore! They just have to make it "Wowee", because that's all that most gamers are going to need to be convinced.

But there's another, less EA bashing reason: They're pretty much done. The Football sim is extraordinarily good. Sure, the AI could always been improved, but there just isn't a huge amount of things that could be improved with the series.

They've done a very good job over the last decade. Kudos to you, EA Sports.


Look, here's a suggustion. There will most likely be a version of the next Xbox with a harddrive. And regardless, memory sticks are getting pretty damn big now. Storage of downloadable information won't be a very huge issue soon.

So sell one version of Madden for, say, $60. Bit pricey, but there's a reason for this. At the beginning of the football season, release an update for the game for $5-10 online, $15-20 in stores. This update will contain any relevant bug fixes as well as updated rosters. And then, next year, release another update! And same the year after that! All of our game saves still work on the update, no control scheme changes, and all of your customers from the previous year will probably be willing to spend a small amount to stay up to date!

Oh, and should you guys actually make an actual gameplay change, then you can release a new, full version of it for full price, sure. Especially upon the creation of a new console generation, where you can boost the graphics even more.

And best of all, you won't get mocked, year after year, for not innovating!

Well, you still will.

But we both know that you don't care. So please use a upgrade model, and I might actually consider buying it!



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