Sunday, February 02, 2003



Odds are that I'm going to be celebrating my birthday while a hundreds of people are dying in Iraq.

As I've said with a light heart:

"We've got a psycho with his finger on the button.

And then there's Sadaam..."

Bush wants war. War is a big thing for a nation. War puts a President's name in the books, for good reasons (usually).

I approve of a war vs Iraq IF AND ONLY IF Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia are all in favor of it too.

I don't want a war that no one but the president wants. We've had a few of those in our nations history...

All that aside, I will never go to war. There are a few reasons for this:

1: I'm against bullets flying in my general direction (I'm a coward, so sue me).

2: I'm going to be a student for the next four years, most likely.

3: I have a small heart defect (non-limiting), which might get infected if I get shot...

4: The US doesn't need a large ground force.

5: I don't like war.

#5 is most important, of course. I will bit my tounge and approve of a lot of things, even war, but just because I can approve of it doesn't mean I will go into it.

To be blunt, I'd rather go to Canada than go to war.


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