Friday, March 05, 2004

Oh, remember how I said that I would only have 6 days for Spring Break?


Uhh, I was wrong.

New Student Orientation aparantly starts on the 31st. School doesn't actually start until April 5th.

That's a couple of extra days...

So I'm driving up on Thursday, and the way things are looking I'll probably arrive late on Thursday. Ken (who I'm driving up with, who's also paying for gas) has a final that ends a 3:30, so if we pack everything before hand we should be able to hit the 405 before we hit any major traffic. That is, until we hit LAX. Then all bets are off...

Later than I want to leave, but shouldn't be much of a problem in any case.

And this way I can take my computer!

Oh, and Liz, if you want to meet me this Sunday when I'm up at my thing, you should know its taking place at the Mondrian Hotel on Sunset.

What's that, a five minute drive for you?

Also, I'm doing it at 11:30 for probably 30-45 minutes, I'd guess, given by the fact they're placing us an hour apart. So if you want to meet up for lunch, that'd be great.

Also, I got some things that are yours, so that's another reason *evil grin*.


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