Sunday, October 03, 2004

Hope has returned...

Polls: Kerry won debate

The most intresting part of this article is the poll comparisons:

Pre-Debate (Post-Convention):
Bush: 54
Kerry: 43


Kerry/Edwards: 47
Bush/Cheney: 45
Nader/Camejo: 2 (heh, silly nader...)

The most accurate way to interpret this poll is not that Kerry won a great victory, and that voters flocked over to him (not exactly accurate...), but that instead a lot of previously "decided" voters changed their minds about Bush, and are now giving Kerry a chance. Undecided voters in the first poll made up only 3%. The second poll has 6% undecided, more than enough to swing the vote either way.

So, its a toss up now. Better than it was a week before tho...


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