Friday, February 04, 2005


When I heard it was canceled, several thoughts went through my head:

1: Damn, they cancel it just when it was starting to get good!

2: Geez, what took them so long? Hell, they were looking to gun it down for the last year, moving it to Friday. That's a show death sentence!

3: Hey, maybe they'll do a post-dominion war series this time, and not fuck with continuity anymore!

4: Why the fuck did I sit through 2+ years of mediocre sci-fi just to get to some good sci-fi?

Oh, yeah, because its the only sci-fi on network TV!

The five star trek series can be explained easily:

TOS: Good, canceled before its time, not the best of them, but everyone says it is cause it was first, and thus MUST be the best *eyes roll*.

TNG: Very good, well done characters, strong captain, the standard Voyager and Enterprise were built around.

DS9: Best of them all, with a plethora of strong female and non-human characters (as well as many non-white actors. Only anglo-saxon male there is the Chief, really), a bad-ass captain, and the most awesome story arc to grace the Star Trek franchise. Also, as a side note, its really one of the few sci-fi series I know of that has a major religious element that's actually positive.

VOY: Trying to repeat the success of TNG, but just couldn't. Still, had some memorable characters (Tom Paris and the Doctor are two of the best characters, EVER)

Enterprise: See Voyager. Biggest problem here wasn't the two-dimensional treatment of the female cast, it was the lack of character development. The captain was treated like Kirk, but without basis. Just about all of the senior staff was ignored for most of the series, save to press the needed buttons. Only Tucker, the engineer, and T'Pol were developed at all. Part of me wanted the Archer to die a noble, but definitive, death, so that someone else could take the reins...


Here's to hoping for a better series...

A good comic regarding the cancelation...


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