Friday, September 02, 2005

Random weird things about me...

1: Back in elementary school, I was one of the best math students in my grade. I was so good I got bumped up a year. I was also so good that I finished math quizes damn fast, so fast that I got bored, so I started a habit:

Every time I took a quiz, I'd turn it over and do long division. I'd divide something like 564651684 by 13684, taking it out to as many decimal places as I felt like.

And I'd never actually check to see if the answer was right. How could I? These were elementary school quizes: no calculators.

So, yeah, that's how much of a math geek I was back then. And, ironically, that's why I can multiply and divide so well in my head. Practice and all that.

2: Last year in college I wrote a paper about how the assasination of Hitler in 1939 probably wouldn't actually stop the war from happening, and it things might have become even worse for the world. Scary, I know.

3: I inwardly cheer whenever I watch an action film and the hero, when he goes into enemy territory with only an SMG or Assault Rifle to back him up, doesn't use full automatic, because it only takes a couple of bullets to kill someone and full auto just wastes ammo.

4: I've written three (as of now) pieces of fan fiction for the game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, available here:

5: I'm really, really, REALLY bored right now.


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