Tuesday, April 11, 2006

How I Met your Mother...

Firstly, this is a very good show.

But, why do I watch it?

Because the main chaarcter, Ted, is very human. I've made decisions very similar to his, screwed up about as royally as he has, and, well, it's kinda refreshing.

It's kinda why I love Robot Chicken so much. Yes, it's a good show alright. But it feels a lot like RC was made for me, or at least people very similar to me. Geek comedy is something that is just now becoming popular.

Meanwhile, HIMYM seems like it's made by people who've done the stupid things that, well, we all know they shouldn't do, because we've done it ourselves. Maybe not the specific actions, but the thoughts behind them. Sometimes you do the wrong thing even though some part of you is telling you not to do it. Sometimes you just freeze, even though sitcoms never show that part, cause inaction rarely sells.

You know what? I want to see inaction! I want to see a character in a fictional show NOT act on bad news. Because, as human as doing the wrong/funny thing is, there's nothing more human than seizing up in the face of trouble and adversity.

Just ask our oh-so-noble president. 5 minutes at a reading of My Pet Goat, two full days before taking any kind of action after Katrina makes landfall?

Sounds human to me. I know that many people are quick to criticize him for this, but, well, when crisis strikes, nine times out of ten people are probably gonna freeze up and just do the things that are normal for them.

Don't make it right tho.

(wow, HIMYM to RC back to HIMYM to Human nature and me to Bush... Need to work on focus while writing...)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, but sometimes these stream of consciousness posts are the most interesting.

Nice to see you blogging again.

2:41 PM  

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