Tuesday, July 25, 2006

How to make the news fun to watch...

CNN has discovered how to do this.

It's actually remarkably simple. You see,there's this whole war thing going on in Isreal/Lebanon, and Isreal is mainly fighting by firing shells into Lebanon.

So they send correspondants (and Anderson Cooper) into Isreal, to the ISF Artillery emplacements. This way, if they're lucky, they can do live reports to the actual shows, wiht the occasional flash of light and huge BOOOOOOOOOOOM in the background.

When you're barely paying attention to the TV while doing homework, and you have CNN on in the background, and this happens, well, it's rather startling.

So far, I've exclaimed "Bloody hell!" once, "Gah!" a few times, and "SON OF A BITCH!" sooo many times...

It's really kinda awesome!

And, of course, it shows how manly the correspondants are, for these huge explosions to go off in the background and you don't even flinch.


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