Tuesday, February 03, 2004

A Dare to my sister, the Screenwriting Major

By the way, this is my third post today, so I suggust reading the other two too. Intresting stuff in them.

Anyway, this is sorta an aftermath of my two video game movies posts I wrote this weekend. I decided to post them on Infoceptor.com, and so far there have been 49 responses to it. One of the things that was brought up, initially by me, was a Starcraft movie.

Now Starcraft has one of the strongest stories to grace the gaming world. It has excelent characters, a powerful plot twist, good voice acting, and a superb ending.

Its good enough that people have been clamoring for a Starcraft movie. A lotta gamers in particular, but still.

Anyway, there's the problem with the conversion. There's no way you could make one Starcraft movie. The plot is simply too complex to fit into one movie. But it could theoretically be split into three movies, especially since the campaign is split into three parts.

Now, I don't know much about movies. I certaintly didn't go to school regarding it.

But someone in my family did.

Yo, sis, graduate of USC Film school, graduated as a Screenwriting major, graduated with honors (you did, right?), how would you like to figure it out?

I do not really expect you to say yes, btw. But if you could play through the campaign (cheat all you want, but lots of plot happens in the missions) and possibly figure out how to actually turn the game into an above-average movie, that'd be, amazing first off, but also it could be good practice. In a sense one of the hardest things to do is an Adaptation of other material. This is pretty obvious by all the massive failures out there.

This is just something I'm doing on a whim. Say no, and all I'll do is just jokingly call you a chicken. But if you're intrested, then give a hollar. You never know what might happen...


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