Reasons why I hate G4
1: They purchased Tech-TV and threw out everything by Tech-TV except for X-play, Unscrewed, and Screensavers.
2: Judgement Day: They take two people, one with a good grasp of what makes a good game, who can understand and enjoy games of all genres, and match him up with a person with the maturity of an infant, the taste of a tech neophite, who is willing to trash a game if it has turn-based combat, but he's kept on because he's "wacky", which apparantly supplants taste in this generation.
3: Show hosts: With the exception of the ex-Tech-TV shows, the hosts have no sense of comedic timing or acting ability. The only qualities that seem important are that: A: if they're a guy they're "wacky" and can have a perpetual smile plasted onto their faces regardless of their lines, B: If they're a girl, they are willing to wear revealing and/or skintight clothing, and C: They have at least a passing interest in games.
4: Their primetime line-up is called "the G-spot".
5: The "G-Spot". Seriously! What are you guys smoking?
6: Their obsession with trying to make gaming cool. I'm not saying that it isn't cool to play games, but I just don't care. If you want to talk about the gamer sub-culture, start treating the games as an art form instead of a hobby. Yes, I know it might be a stretch to call a licensced Spongebob game "art", but when you play games like Resident Evil 4 (which I have not played extensively, but must play as what I have played rocked so freaking hard) or Halo 2 you can't help but be amazed at it.
Not too much different from a good movie, at least.
7: Game story: They are too focused on the technical elements of games, which is part of the above problem. KOTOR and 90% of KOTOR 2 wove intricate stories that gave shades of grey to a fictional universe that seems obsessed with black and white. I don't care what Star Wars character you may love, but there is nothing more compelling than an ex-Jedi who left the order for the woman he loved and didn't fall to the dark side, or the soldier who lives solely for revenge on the person responsible for the death of his wife. Because a good RPG will last 30+ hours, amazing plots can be created, far surpassing anything a motion picture can accomplish because of time restraints.
But, no, no one cares about story, even in the game genre that is defined by plot.
8: Fucking "G-Spot?" couldn't you think of anything more subtle than that?
2: Judgement Day: They take two people, one with a good grasp of what makes a good game, who can understand and enjoy games of all genres, and match him up with a person with the maturity of an infant, the taste of a tech neophite, who is willing to trash a game if it has turn-based combat, but he's kept on because he's "wacky", which apparantly supplants taste in this generation.
3: Show hosts: With the exception of the ex-Tech-TV shows, the hosts have no sense of comedic timing or acting ability. The only qualities that seem important are that: A: if they're a guy they're "wacky" and can have a perpetual smile plasted onto their faces regardless of their lines, B: If they're a girl, they are willing to wear revealing and/or skintight clothing, and C: They have at least a passing interest in games.
4: Their primetime line-up is called "the G-spot".
5: The "G-Spot". Seriously! What are you guys smoking?
6: Their obsession with trying to make gaming cool. I'm not saying that it isn't cool to play games, but I just don't care. If you want to talk about the gamer sub-culture, start treating the games as an art form instead of a hobby. Yes, I know it might be a stretch to call a licensced Spongebob game "art", but when you play games like Resident Evil 4 (which I have not played extensively, but must play as what I have played rocked so freaking hard) or Halo 2 you can't help but be amazed at it.
Not too much different from a good movie, at least.
7: Game story: They are too focused on the technical elements of games, which is part of the above problem. KOTOR and 90% of KOTOR 2 wove intricate stories that gave shades of grey to a fictional universe that seems obsessed with black and white. I don't care what Star Wars character you may love, but there is nothing more compelling than an ex-Jedi who left the order for the woman he loved and didn't fall to the dark side, or the soldier who lives solely for revenge on the person responsible for the death of his wife. Because a good RPG will last 30+ hours, amazing plots can be created, far surpassing anything a motion picture can accomplish because of time restraints.
But, no, no one cares about story, even in the game genre that is defined by plot.
8: Fucking "G-Spot?" couldn't you think of anything more subtle than that?
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