Friday, June 03, 2005

Best Teaser Trailer Ever!

This includes any movie teaser trailers, btw.

The Metal Gear Solid 4 Teaser Trailer is both weird in a way only Hideo Kojima, the guy behind all of the other Metal Gear games, can be and also actually informative.

And ****ing hilarious!

There are some inside jokes, of course. Some things to remember when watching it are:

In-game, since MGS, whenever you are seen by an enemy a giant exclamation point appears above the enemy.

Metal Gear Solid 2 was advertised as a game with Solid Snake being the main character, however, after an introductory mission, the main character was changed to a blonde-haired pretty boy named Raiden who, for some reason, spent part of the game naked.


(true, the naked part doesn't have anything to do with the trailer, but its just more evidence of Hideo being a weird mother-****er.)

The glowing green goggles are the trademark of Sam Fisher, the main character in the Splinter Cell series, which is the other major stealth action game series.

Watch the video. It is the AWESOME!


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