Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Okay, the film comes out on Friday, and I want to see it.

On DVD, most likely. If it gets good reviews I may try to go with some RPG club people in theaters.

There's three things about the movie that I'm really excited about.

1: The Big Fucking Gun. I don't like swearing, but the gun is... the BIG FUCKING GUN! Also known as the Bio Force Gun, its the giant weapon that blows shit up goooooood. I just want to see it and the characters reaction to it.

Oh, and apparantly, after shooting, The Rock aka Dwayne Johnson got to keep the prop of the BFG. Awesome :).

2: The Chainsaw. This is the part of the commercials where I come damn close to squealing. You've got the weird demon dog thing in front of you, and you've got the chainsaw. The most awesome weapon in the history of gaming. It's a... chainsaw!

3: The First Person sequence. Now, this is the part of the film that will get the most attention from critics. For those who don't know, there is something of a 5 minute sequence of the film shot entirely from a first person perspective. Obviously there are some ingenoius cuts here and there to preserve the flow of things without forcing a 5 minute continuous shot, but it's at least going to look like the First Person Shooter of which its based.

The big thing, though, is that this is something unique in a movie that, frankly, I expected to be a cheesy movie feeding off the popularity of the game. And, well, it probably will be. But they're trying something new, something that hasn't exactly been done well before, and they're doing this in a movie that seems anything but high concept.

It will be interesting, at the very least, and stands a good chance at knocking Mortal Kombat off the throne of "Best Video Game based Movie".

Which won't be very hard.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Friday, huh? Interesting. Not sure what else I've got to do on Saturday.



2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trust me,
the movie will suck.
It will suck long and hard.

12:41 AM  

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