Thursday, April 13, 2006

Boot Camp

(I'd make a joke about the military here, you know, something, a throw a way like "Ten-HUT!", but that's what you all EXPECT me to do! So HA!)

I've long been the oxymoron of the computer industry: The Mac Gamer. While the selection isn't as limited as some would make it seem, it isn't like I can play any of the great PC games that just came out. The list of companies that do simultaneous Mac and PC releases is one name long: Blizzard. And, while I love them for it, Real Time Strategy and Action RPG's aren't exactly that great.

And then Apple releases Intel based Macs.

And now Boot Camp, allowing the Mactels to boot in Windows.

And I have a year old computer (which I love) that is NOT a Mactel.


There was this big concern back when the Mactels first came out that few, if any companies, would bother creating THREE versions of their products. Now they don't have to. Just two. And you just know that Apple's marketshare is gonna go up because of this.

Heh. It's the mullet of the computer world: Buisness in the front (windows), party in the back (OS X)!

This little piece of software, when I next upgrade my machine (probably two years...), would let me be a real gamer.

Gotta give Apple props for, once again, swallowing their pride and accepting that they can make a lot more money if they just make their stuff Windows friendly (iPod and iTunes anyone?).

It'll be interesting to see how this plays out. The reviews of the Beta have been that it's solid, plays the graphically intense games like a breeze, and there are, according to reports, few errors at all (although I've heard of some nasty ones that make forum goers look like idiots for demanding perfection from a Beta product. But, then again, how hard is it to make Forum goers look like idiots?)

Lets just hope that Boot Camp, when it's finalized, is damn near flawless.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nits to pick:

* What you really want is virtualization: Don't reboot, just run both OSs at the same time. Conveniently, the Intel Core processors have very nice support for virtualization, and that story is starting to unfold for Intel Macs --

* Does this kill off the Mac software industry? Maybe software developers will ask why they should bother building a Mac version of their app/game/whatever when the WIndows version will run just fine on an Intel Mac + a copy of Windows + virtualization software (or less if Apple buys Parallels or does their own virtualization thing). Or offers Windows as a build-to-order option....

The answer to #2 above is probably "not really" -- both Boot Camp and Parallels have a pretty high hacker factor, and neither probably meets the canonical "Can your mom do this?" (unless your mom is, well, your Mom). But weird times, in any case.

6:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW, I really like the "mullet of the computer world" phrase...

6:12 PM  

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