Monday, April 24, 2006


Okay, I have three email accounts. I have a personal account, a school account, and a cannon-fodder account. The latter is a yahoo account that I give out to websites I don't trust. Or are heavily traversed.

I seem to get about 10-15 junk emails to that account each day. Yahoo's junk mail filter is surprisingly good, allowing almost no emails to get through their net twice if you flag it the first time.

So, anyway, I submitted that story by the NY Times about google and china to slashdot. And, whaddya know, it gets accepted! Yay and all.

Then I check my yahoo email account. It's got some new spam, so I flag it and see no more of it.

Today, I checked my junk box.

Sunday, I got 60 spams. On monday, "only" 27.

And one from May 24, 2006...

A tip: When submitting things to slashdot, don't use your real email address...


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