Monday, February 23, 2004

Penny Arcade on Infinium Labs vs. HardOCP.

BTW: Infinium is making the Phantom Console, which has yet to appear anywhere, and would cost about 400-500 dollars. For context, X-Boxes and PS2's are $179, and Gamecubes are $99.

In case you haven't heard, the website HardOCP is being threatened by Infinium Labs for supposedly false and deflamatory statements made in an article they published several months ago which looked at the vaporious nature of Infinium Labs. Infinium has two different law firms doing this, IcardMirrell and MoFo. Basically, they're serious.

Except for the fact that there's been no one who's actually proved anything in the article in question false. In fact, most people who've read the article agree that its correct.

Undoubtedly Infinium is trying to scare HardOCP into pulling the article from their website, in order to prevent people from reading the article, and also in an attempt to disprove it. HardOCP handled it masterfully, by not pulling the article and instead renewing an offer made to Infinium when the article was published to dispute the findings via proof. And, thanks to the wonder of t3h int3rn3t, the story is being spread far and wide, thanks partly to this article by NewsForge, summarizing the conflict quite well, as well as a few other things to note about the Phantom.

Then SlashDot posts it, PA does a comic on it, and the story continues to spread. This is the information superhighway, where one stupid move by a company can have huge repercussions in only a matter of days.

Read the articles. Its quite informative, quite intresting, and a bit funny at times too :).


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