Wednesday, February 18, 2004

I have a midterm tomorrow.



And a comp sci project due on Friday. But that's not too bad, got a good amount of it done.


Lets see, the midterm is in about 12 hours.

I got time :).

Anyway, the happenings that's been going on here are as follows:

Weekend was fun, the convention was fun. Wasted away most of the time playing a vastly more detailed and complex version of Axis and Allies. Its one of those games that takes about 5 full rounds to finish, but each round takes about an hour. Its also a game that is not very easy to pick up. But I still had fun :).

Also, got presents from friends and family. Here's the list:

From Aiko:

1: Caffinated Cinnamons (may come in handy...).
2: An 3v1l l33t t-shit from Megatokyo.
3: An Ubergeek sticker.

From Parents:

1: TV antennae.
2: The book Qo'noS ta'puq, Hamlet lotlut. Its one of the greatest plays by the Klingon playwrite Wil'yam Shex'pir. This book is better known on Earth as Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespear :).
3: Brownies :).
4: A mug with the text "/dev/mug" on it, from Think Geek. For those who don't know, dev is unix for device, and mug is, well, mug. Its also extra large, to hold a lot of coffee :).

From Liz:

1: An Ubergeek t-shirt from think geek.
2: The MTV Spiderman TV series DVD's, when she can get them.

Lets count down my nerd shirts:

1: Ubergeek
2: 3v1l l33t
3: Mac Geek
4: Mac Inside (done in the Intel logo :))
5: "Bash head on keyboard to continue."
6: Cthulu "Sell your soul for a cookie".

1 more, and I got a weeks worth :).

Wraithy a happy boy :).

Oh, and yes, that's something from Think Geek from every person who got me something :). Gotta love it :).

Now, to studying!

*head falls on keyboard, asleep*


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