Friday, September 26, 2003

4.7 megs, and be sure you got the recent version of quicktime...

still: wow. Revolutions is looking kick-ASS!

Oh, yeah, had a class today. Learning logic.

Yeah. Fun.

uh huh.


Monday, September 22, 2003

I'm at University of Irvine, CA now...

Yeah, I could explain in minute detail everything that happened over the last summer, but I don't wanna :).

FYI: I did not cry myself to sleep. I did not pull an all nighter playing games. I did not get drunk.

I did, however, get locked out of my room, miss dinner, and get lost coming back from the airport after dropping my parents off.

"Lets see, left or right... hmm. Uhh, I was heading that way coming here, I think, so I should go that way..."

I found out that John Wayne Airport is right alongside Campus drive, so I thought I could just follow it back to college. Turns out that I went the wrong way, and I didn't notice until I hit Newport beach...

BTW: City roads here are 50 mph speed limit :).

No classes yet, so all I'm doing is adjusting to not having my parents here to look over my shoulder, and also to not forget my key and making new friends...

Comment, please. I'm lonely and need companionship :).