Friday, February 25, 2005

Enterprise just did something awesome...

You know how between Star Trek TOS and Next Gen, the Klingons suddenly got a lot more makeup and such?

Well, Enterprise just gave itself justification for existing, by explaining it :).

Yeah, its a little too convenient but its still awesome that they decided to create a reason for the lack of forehead :).

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Okay, they're slightly less evil...

Okay, maybe I was a bit harsh...

So, it looks like that the NFL was the one who initiated the idea to sell EA the exclusive rights. EA DID still buy them, but the distinction is a rather important one.

Its the NFL who's evil little corporate devils.

EA just made a deal with them :).

A quick question

Does anyone actually read this blog, outside of my family? Cause it gets really depressing when I see no comments on some of the longer posts...


That, and I'm ranting about a subject that few in my family have more than basic knowledge about...

Conker: Live and Reloaded

Sooooo can't wait for this game to come out.

Conker was on Xbox Magazine's demo disc, which I got mostly so I could play the xbox-live enabled demo of Unreal Championship 2. You only get one level in Conker, which is supposedly the first level of the game, but god, its so fun.

In Conker, you play as the squirrel Conker, who is fighting the evil Tediz, who are effectively Teddy Bears. This is a sequel to the N64 Conker game, which was originally going to be a children's game and, well, got mature.


But also funny.

I believe one of the boss battles involved a singing pile of, well, shit.

Singing Shit.

The demo level starts off with Conker waking up on a little boat, in combat gear, with several other squirrels around him, all armed. It sorta seems reminiscient of Saving Private Ryan.

Then the door opens, and you get dumped onto what looks very much like the intro scene in Saving Private Ryan. Except with Teddy Bears shooting Squirrels.

And, among the carnage, there's a little guy with one arm searching for his other arm with a very annoyed expression.

Its dark humor. But excellent dark humor :).

The thing is, humor isn't very common as a video game genre. Sure, lots of games have great jokes in them, especially those with stronger plots, but there's really no equivalent of a Comedy in gaming. That's sorta what happens when games are made with the type of conflict in mind, not the type of plot. RPG's are the closest we have to a real plot-based genre, and that's only with the Japanese and NA RPG sub-genre's. Action RPG's tend to ignore plots entirely, getting the RPG title from their character customization aspects alone.

Hopefully, Conker will show exactly how welcome a good humor-based game is in the industry, spawning several more projects with teh funneh in mind.

Gameplay wise, there's nothing spectacular about Conker. Its pretty much standard third-person-shooter fare: Shoot, take cover, reload, shoot some more, etc. Survival tends to be based more on the finding of cover than twitch skills (fast reflexes instead of strategy). Still, the comedy should be enough to make up for any minor shortfalls the gameplay will form.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

New Computer!

At last, I have a computer who's power can run GBA ROMs at full speed with sound!

Um, I mean, its shiny?

Its a powerbook G4, and quite a nice one at that. I'm not really missing the fullsize keyboard, or my old comp's huge screen, since this one is so much faster its freaking rediculous.

I mean, it has no problem opening all of my webcomics in tabs! It takes like five minutes max on this comp, and it took upwards of fifteen on the iMac!

Still working on transferring files and stuff. Most of the stuff has been transferred manually, as either my firewire cord is broken (a distinct possibility) or its some other freaky shit. However, iTunes is not cooperating. Its freezing up occasionally, and it can't find many of the songs, which I have to select in the finder manually.

And since I have thousands of songs, this prospect does not please me.

That, and my school email accound isn't cooperating with Mail, but that seems like a less difficult problem.

Bah, minor problems. I still have my old comp hooked up, especailly since it has the awesome speaker still hooked up to it. So its acting as something of a jukebox.

A $2000 jukebox.


Still, I love the trackpad. It has the ability to scroll when you put two fingers onto it instead of just one (note: this works when one is stationary and the other is moving or when both are moving, which is infinitely easier). Also, the clicky ability with the trackpad is surprisingly useful.

Yay! New Tech! WOOOOOOOOO!

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Site Upkeep

Okay, I've given up trying to keep track of all of my webcomics. So I decided to use the space to keep track of all of my various Gaming Rants. So, voila, all of my gaming rants as of January 2004, most of which come in the last four months.

And more are to come...

Thursday, February 17, 2005

So Cute!

The LEGO Star Wars Trailer

God, this game fills me with unprecendented amounts of childish glee :).

And it comes out at the end of march.

GLEE :).

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Gogo Anteaters!

Back at LAHS, I wasn't very thrilled about our sports teams.

Cause they kinda sucked.

Yeah, I guess there was a bright spot every so often, but it wasn't very... impressive.

Certaintly nothing to get all hyped up about.

But UCI does have a decent sports team.

Recognize a school?

Yeah, I know baseball doesn't get the respect that football or basketball do, but its sorta nice to be ranked :).

Monday, February 14, 2005

This just in...

I am 20.

That is all.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Reasons why I hate G4

1: They purchased Tech-TV and threw out everything by Tech-TV except for X-play, Unscrewed, and Screensavers.

2: Judgement Day: They take two people, one with a good grasp of what makes a good game, who can understand and enjoy games of all genres, and match him up with a person with the maturity of an infant, the taste of a tech neophite, who is willing to trash a game if it has turn-based combat, but he's kept on because he's "wacky", which apparantly supplants taste in this generation.

3: Show hosts: With the exception of the ex-Tech-TV shows, the hosts have no sense of comedic timing or acting ability. The only qualities that seem important are that: A: if they're a guy they're "wacky" and can have a perpetual smile plasted onto their faces regardless of their lines, B: If they're a girl, they are willing to wear revealing and/or skintight clothing, and C: They have at least a passing interest in games.

4: Their primetime line-up is called "the G-spot".

5: The "G-Spot". Seriously! What are you guys smoking?

6: Their obsession with trying to make gaming cool. I'm not saying that it isn't cool to play games, but I just don't care. If you want to talk about the gamer sub-culture, start treating the games as an art form instead of a hobby. Yes, I know it might be a stretch to call a licensced Spongebob game "art", but when you play games like Resident Evil 4 (which I have not played extensively, but must play as what I have played rocked so freaking hard) or Halo 2 you can't help but be amazed at it.

Not too much different from a good movie, at least.

7: Game story: They are too focused on the technical elements of games, which is part of the above problem. KOTOR and 90% of KOTOR 2 wove intricate stories that gave shades of grey to a fictional universe that seems obsessed with black and white. I don't care what Star Wars character you may love, but there is nothing more compelling than an ex-Jedi who left the order for the woman he loved and didn't fall to the dark side, or the soldier who lives solely for revenge on the person responsible for the death of his wife. Because a good RPG will last 30+ hours, amazing plots can be created, far surpassing anything a motion picture can accomplish because of time restraints.

But, no, no one cares about story, even in the game genre that is defined by plot.

8: Fucking "G-Spot?" couldn't you think of anything more subtle than that?

Friday, February 11, 2005

You know you're a nerd when...

Whenever you watch TV and someone is playing a video game, you immediately look to see what game it is.

And you recongnize it.

And you know whether or not the character playing the game is actually playing it.

That is all :).

Thursday, February 10, 2005

The Ohio Effect

This is something dad told me about a while ago. Apparantly people in Ohio, especially during the winter, think that California, despite the temperate weather, is a horrible place. Earthquakes, moral decay, whatever. Pick a reason and you've got people in Ohio hating California.

Because, after all, if California really is so great and temperate in the middle of winter, THEN WHY ARE THEY IN OHIO?

I'm sure I just took a complex psychological theory and reduced it into its least complicated form. But, thing is, I know exactly what he means.

I have an Xbox. I have enough trouble admitting that Playstation is possibly a better console than the Xbox, let alone being happy when a good game is released for it. Same with PC gaming. After all, if the PS2 is so good, then why do I have an Xbox?

Well, for Halo 2 and KOTOR, but that's aside the point.

This thought really hit me, though, when I saw Ctrl-Alt-Del's recent comic: God Hates Console Fanboys. And suddenly, clarity.

Console fanboys are just mad that their console isn't as cool in one way or another as another console.

PC zealots are just envious of the lack of attention the Mac gets in the worm and virus department.

Mac zealots are just envious of the quantity of programs the PC has.

"They" really are just envious of our freedom.

Well, maybe not. "They" consider democracy to be heretical because it is choosing man's law over god's law, but the other one's are right...

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Discovering the awesome things everyone already knows about...

Red Hot Chili Peppers and Battlestar Galactica.

Doesn't matter how the rest of the week is, it'll still be a good one to me :).

Monday, February 07, 2005

The Totally Inaccurate Description of the Current Console War


Great graphics
Decent third party support (most of their third party support is multiplatform games)
Excellent first party support (dude, its fucking nintendo!)
Terrible multiplayer (No online play. Saaaaaaad).


Excellent graphics (PC in a box, and that's a good thing)
Great third party support (Lucas Arts loves them, and the graphics allow lots of ports from the PC)
Good first party support (mostly Bungie, Topspin and MechAssault)
Excellent multiplayer (Online is so well integrated...)


Good graphics (not as good as it should be for this generation)
Excellent third party support (Japanese developers LOVE Sony. LOOOVE)
Good first party support (on the same level as Xbox: a few amazing titles, but not enough for sustained success)
Great Multiplayer (In that they have online)

Now, I realize that I may be a bit biased for the X-box, since I have it, but the current edge is in favor of the PS2. Its all about the games.

Poor Nintendo. Good luck next time...

The New Handheld War

For context, the last handheld war ended when Sega stopped making the Game Gear, a decade or so ago, so it's been a while since Nintendo has had some real competition. But they certaintly have it now.

The PSP comes out in the US a bit over a month from now, and it'll probably sell like flapjacks or hotcakes or whatever makes a good analogy these days. Of course, the DS already came out, and it DID sell like the previously mentioned food products.

The DS's bottom, touch sensitive screen is one clever innovation for the industry. I've heard rumors the the Nintendo Revolution, the supposed name for Nintendo's next gen console, will make use of a touch sensitive screen for controlling purposes.

Meanwhile the PSP has some amazingly awesome graphics, as well as the capability to be a digital media device. Its one screen is much bigger than the DS's two screens (not combined), and it looks a whole lot prettier.

So, who'll win?

Fucked if I know.

You see, both systems do have problems. The DS's touch screen, while an innovation, isn't being used much by the games. Sure, the Nintendo made games are taking full advantage of it, but developers haven't had a huge amount of time to do some brainstorming on the problem.

Meanwhile, the PSP has a bit of a design flaw. Apparantly the contact for one of the buttons, the square one that is closest to the screen, is not directly under the actual button, but instead off to the side a bit, making it a bit hard to hit, and also making it stick a bit if you're unlucky.

Oh, wait, this isn't a design flaw. According to Sony, this is a FEATURE. I'd mock some of the outlandish quotes, like how "Nobody would criticize a renowned architect's blueprint that the position of a gate is wrong," except that, if the gate was only five feet high, I might criticize it a bit because I couldn't go through it without ducking, but everyone is doing that, and I'd hate to jump on a bandwagon.

Besides, all the talk about the pros and cons for the systems is mostly meaningless. In the video game industry, like all other computer industries that depend on hardware and software, its not the tech specs of the console, or the flaws it has, but the games. Its all about the games. N-Gage has no games, so no one plays it. Simple as that. Only people the specs matter to is the developers. In a sense, the battle will be won by who can woo the third party developers the best: Sony or Nintendo.

Now, in the current iteration of the console wars, Nintendo is turning out to be the big loser. Their big release in the October-December quarter turned out to be Metroid Prime 2, which should've been better, as opposed to Halo 2, which was just amazing, and GTA San Andreas, which is possibly the only game that can really be said to have been better than it had to be.

However, what's kept Nintendo afloat is what's always hauled their sorry asses out of the fire: Nintendo remains the best first-party developer in the buisness. Their three main workhorses, Mario, Zelda, and Metroid, have more awesome games than just about any developer, anywhere. So, what's on the DS from Nintendo?

Well, they're playing the Mario card pretty hard. They have a port of Mario 64 to the DS, which remains one of the best 3D platformers ever, and a new Warioware game, the game that made ADD cool (appologies for the bad joke, but if you've ever played it, you get what I'm talking about), and they appear to be winners.

Only there doesn't seem to be a bit third-party hit. None. As I said, its going to take a bit of time for developers to figure out what the hell to do with it. The lower screen is pretty much turning into an inventory screen.

Meanwhile, Sony has called its old friends up and gotten some back up. While there are a couple Sony developed games out there (Wipeout Pure, MVP Baseball), they're getting some big help from Konami (Metal Gear Ac!d), EA (NFL Street 2, NBA Street, Need for Speed Underground Rivals), and Activision (Spiderman 2). Oh, and can't forget about Namco's Ridge Racer, which is already expected to do absurdly well.

Look I don't want to count Nintendo out. They've got backward compatibility going for them with the DS, which means that everything they have released up to now for the GBA is available for the DS, but without a steady supply of hits from outside of Nintendo, Sony is going to soak up their third party connections to win this war.

But, come on Sony. I don't give a damn about your pride. Fix the fucking PSP already! If a button doesn't work like it should, then its BROKEN. If it was designed that way, then its worse: Its not an oversight, or a manufacturing error, its some prissy little designers crying about art and ignoring functionality.

I think the Apple Cube is an example of this.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

A note to the FOX pregame show producers...

Country music with electric guitars and a hot chick talking about sex does not equal "Bridging the gap between genres"!

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Going up against the superbowl

ESPN: Figure skating and the 2004 double dutch jump rope championship.

CBS: "All in the Family"

WB: "A Thousand Acres"

UPN: "Winners Take All"

ESPN2: 2004 World Series of Power marathon

Sci-Fi: Urban Legend, Jason X, and Thirteen Ghosts

G4 TechTv: 2004 EA Sports Madden Challenge

USA: Monk Marathon

TNT: Charmed Marathon

Its kinda sad, in a way...

Friday, February 04, 2005

At least Uwe Boll isn't involved...


When I heard it was canceled, several thoughts went through my head:

1: Damn, they cancel it just when it was starting to get good!

2: Geez, what took them so long? Hell, they were looking to gun it down for the last year, moving it to Friday. That's a show death sentence!

3: Hey, maybe they'll do a post-dominion war series this time, and not fuck with continuity anymore!

4: Why the fuck did I sit through 2+ years of mediocre sci-fi just to get to some good sci-fi?

Oh, yeah, because its the only sci-fi on network TV!

The five star trek series can be explained easily:

TOS: Good, canceled before its time, not the best of them, but everyone says it is cause it was first, and thus MUST be the best *eyes roll*.

TNG: Very good, well done characters, strong captain, the standard Voyager and Enterprise were built around.

DS9: Best of them all, with a plethora of strong female and non-human characters (as well as many non-white actors. Only anglo-saxon male there is the Chief, really), a bad-ass captain, and the most awesome story arc to grace the Star Trek franchise. Also, as a side note, its really one of the few sci-fi series I know of that has a major religious element that's actually positive.

VOY: Trying to repeat the success of TNG, but just couldn't. Still, had some memorable characters (Tom Paris and the Doctor are two of the best characters, EVER)

Enterprise: See Voyager. Biggest problem here wasn't the two-dimensional treatment of the female cast, it was the lack of character development. The captain was treated like Kirk, but without basis. Just about all of the senior staff was ignored for most of the series, save to press the needed buttons. Only Tucker, the engineer, and T'Pol were developed at all. Part of me wanted the Archer to die a noble, but definitive, death, so that someone else could take the reins...


Here's to hoping for a better series...

A good comic regarding the cancelation...