Friday, January 30, 2004

Upcoming Movies based on Video Games

First off, lets take a look at the history of Movies based on Video Games:

The Good:

  • Lara Croft: Tomb Raider

  • Mortal Kombat

  • Resident Evil

The Bad:

  • Tomb Raider II: Cradle of Life

  • Street Fighter (live action)

The Ugly:

  • Mortal Kombat: Annihalation

  • Super Mario Brothers *shudder*

And by "good", I mean somewhat keeping to the premise/storyline of the original game, and also watchable.

Except for Mortal Kombat. That movie just fscking rocked!

Anyway, more attempts at a good video game Movie are being made. Several more.

And some of them might actually be good...

First off, the main reason why the video game -> movie conversions suck so badly is because the original movie did not have a plot worthy of Hollywood. They managed to pull it off in MK by making the individual stories behind each of the characters the focal point of the plot, but even then you watch it primarily for the action. Tomb Raider pulled it off by making a new plot in the spirit of the games.

Now this is a major problem. Many games take at least 24 hours to finish in SP/storyline mode. Of course, that often includes side-quests, slightly minor plot points, and, of course, many, many hours of fighting. So it can probably be cut down to 3-4 hours of actual main plot line development. If not that, then less. Just guestimating here. So that's 2-3 movies if you also add in some battle scenes.

Uh huh.


This is why I've always believed that if some studio finally decided to make a Starcraft movie, they'd have to stick to one campaign. Or do three movies, one for each campaign.

Even so, it should be possible to cut down the plot to a point where it is still true to the original source, but also intresting and fun to watch. The other problem is that the director/producer tends to hijack the movie to make it more intresting according to him/her. This isn't a major problem, but it is apparant in all movie conversions, such as Ang Lee's Hulk.

Now here's the point of this:

More movie conversions are on their way. I found this out, in particular, from this article on the site GamEntropy. It does a good job of outlining the previous movie conversions as well as list out the new ones to come.

Here are the ones I found intresting, as well as possibly being very good.

Max Payne:

I love this game. Not only is it a great game, in terms of gameplay, but it also has an excelent Film Noir style storyline.

I feel it has a chance simply because the actual story for it is rather short. Its possible to tell the story in its entirety in a slightly longer-than-average movie. And I will know 5 seconds into the movie if they have screwed it up, because they have to start with the opening line of the game:

"They were all dead. The final gunshot was an exclamation mark on everything that had led to this point. I released my finger from the trigger, and it was over."

Check out IMDB's quote database for more good Max Payne quotes.

Still, this is a game that could be a very good movie. Good plot, action that can easily be done on the silver screen, and a style Hollywood is known for. What could possibly go wrong?

Silent Hill:

I haven't played this game. This is primarily because I don't like horror in general, and Silent Hill is the premier Horror video game series. I could explain the plot, but I don't know it well enough, and you'd find a better description via google.

The intresting thing about this movie is that Konami, those wonderful guys behind the game, ARE IN ACTIVE CONTROL OVER THE MOVIE! They are in charge of many of the key elements of the movie, including casting, script supervision, and music. Silent Hill will probably be an excelent Horror film, simply because of the immense artistic style the games possess will almost undoubtedly be transfered to the movie.

GTA: Vice City

Say what you will, but this movie has an excelent chance of doing well, simply for two reasons:

1: Its going to be a ganster movie, something filmmakers can do quite well.

2: Ya know how there's no such thing as bad press? Any idea how much press GTA has gotten?

I don't even want to THINK about the press the movie will get...

Still, one thing of note is that apparantly the actor who did the voice of Tommy Vercetti (the main character in GTA VC), Ray Liotta, will be Tommy Vercetti in the movie. That should be intresting, to say the least.

Given how the movie companies are finally picking logical choices for the games to transfer, and the game companies are figuring out how to ensure the movie will be decent, we may actually see some really good video game Movies.

Batman: Intimidation

First off, its not Batman 5. They're starting over, which can only be a good thing.

Second off, the rumored villians include Scarecrow, who is an ok one in my book, but not horrid, and RAS AL GHUL!

Next to Joker, Ras is my favorite Batman villain, simply because he understands what batman is. He's the only villian to call Bats "Detective", since that's what Batman really is.

However, the rumors are indicating Ras would be played by either Viggo Mortensen (aka Aragorn), or Daniel Day-Lewis.

Ras is an old person. You can not have Aragorn be Ras. You just can't.


I REALLY hope they don't screw it up...

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Smack the Penguin!

Obscenely fun :).

Nothing really happening here, btw. Just really boring...

Saturday, January 24, 2004

Searching for a song when you don't know the title...

I'm looking to find the song in this apple iPod commercial. Its really annoying cause I know I've heard the song before, its a really good song (at least from what I know of it), but I can't find out CAUSE THEY DIDN'T LIST IT!


If anyone knows the title to that song, please fill me in.

That is all :).

Friday, January 23, 2004

This kid is a frickin' genius!

Yay, the weekend is here!

Well, sorta yay.

The problem with college for me is that I'm really not sure what the difference between the weekend and the weekdays is. My classes are sporatically placed such that I'm only in class a couple of hours each day, and even then I got an hour or two between each one. So you aren't in classes for 6 straight hours each day.

Homework confuses it even more since a lot of homework is optional (read: not graded), and the stuff that isn't is usually due only once a week.

Its just not as much of an amazing relief that it used to be...

Of course, all the days are more relaxed to compensate, but still :).

Of course, when you spend the entire week in a more-or-less drained state, just like other family members, the drained state tends to last into the weekend...


I'll find a game to keep myself amused...

Oh, and of course work on homework!



Tuesday, January 20, 2004

I have now volunteered for FIRST robotics :).

Well, I've requested to be volunteered...

Anyway, two regionals are actually quite aptly timed for me to volunteer at.

The SoCal regional is held after all of my finals, and thus I'm free then, and the Sillicon Valley regional is held during Spring Break!

Handy :).

So, yeah, just putting that in there :).

Oh, and PETA will not have an add in the Superbowl.

They did try tho:

Sorry for the recent PETA bashing, but they've been going a bit overboard...

Monday, January 19, 2004

Oookay, according to my dining hall its February right now...

You see, right now, on January 19th, they have thier Black History Month posters up right now.

February is Black History Month, not January...


Oh, yeah, all things are ok here :).

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Grades for Fall Quarter Freshman year:

ICS H21: A+
Pol Sci 21A: B-

GPA: 3.343 (ICS H21 is weighted heigher because its a 6 unit class instead of a 4 unit class).

W00t W00t!

First grade period in a long time where I had no C's...

Rather depressing, now that I think of it :).

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

I hate PETA.

The former is just sick, disgusting, and completely missing the point.
The latter is about a flyer that was handed out in front of Nutcracker performances.

When you have to resort to shock in order to get a message across, you automatically lose. It doesn't matter what you're talking about, you just lose.


I can not get into my fourth class, Writing 39B, so I'll have to take it next year.


Classes are looking intresting, tho, and homework shouldn't be too much of a problem.



Yeah, that's about it...

Friday, January 09, 2004

Huh, what's this?



Heh, sorry for the lack of updates over the last few weeks. I update this site primarily for my friends and family, and it seemed sorta pointless to do it when I'm up there :).

Oh, intresting little link (I got class soon, so I'm not gonna make a real post):