Friday, April 30, 2004

Idiots, all of them...

Okay, unless you don't watch NBC, you've probably heard of the new NBC miniseries "10.5", in which a series of massive earthquakes sink the west coast of the US into the ocean.

Now, I realize I'm arguing logic with a Sci-fi TV movie, but at least most of them have a premise SOMEWHERE within the bounds of science!


The nature of fault lines is that they are the borders between tetonic plates. The pacific ocean is effectively one really freaking huge tetonic plate. This is why there is this ring of volcanos and multitude of fault lines: The so-called "Ring of Fire".

Now, as I recall from Geography, western California is on that Pacific plate. So, yes, I am on a different Tetonic plate than Texas. Oh no.

You see, the Pacific Tetonic Plate is rotating counter-clockwise with respect to the rest of the US. So, eventually, Los Angeles will be pretty darn close to Anchorage, Alaska, especially when compared to where it is now.

Emphasis on EVENTUALLY.

That will take millions of years. It probably won't happen in Humanities lifetime. Certaintly not in ours.

And it WON'T sink!

The annoys me more than cartoon shows that go to Hollywood, not Los Angeles, like its called, but this mystical city called Hollywood, which exists entirely on TV and Movie studio backlots. Or in front of the Mann's Chineese Theater. It just creates this false impression of a city that is mostly, well, a city! Not lots of high-rises like New York, but still just a city.

This creates a false impression of three states! One of the big images in the commercials is of the Seattle Space Needle collapsing. SEATTLE ISN'T ANYWHERE NEAR A FAULT LINE!!!!!!1!ONE!

Hell, I can already imagine people from the East Coast asking me if I'm worried about an earthquake wiping me out...

Yeah. We DO get daily earthquakes here.

We call them "1 pointers". We can't feel them. We get a feelable one about once every few months in California as a whole, and by feelable I mean being able to feel it right on top of the epicenter.

Besides, CA is built for Earthquakes. Every multi-story building costs extra because of that. I'll put it to you this way:

In December, there was a 6.7 earthquake in Pasa Robles. Not a huge population area, true, but I think the death toll was something like 2, and only one building collapsed.

Later in December, there was a 6.7 earthquake in Bam, Iran. The town was destroyed. A castle that had been up for thousands of years crumbled. Death toll was in the tens of thousands.

That's what preparation does. That's what California is. We're ready for earthquakes, and we aren't afraid of them.

And I feel very comfortable knowing that the movie 10.5 won't happen.

Oh, and also, you can't get higher than 9.99 on the richter scale! Just can't!

Urge to kill NBC execs... rising...

Poke The Bunny!


This is so fun. And I have no idea why...



Tuesday, April 27, 2004


ZotCon website.

ZotCon is a new endeavor by University of California, Irvine's RPG Club. Its essentially a 1 day mini-con taking place on May 9th. Its partially a blatant attempt to get more members, duh, but its also a day of gaming. Anyone in the Orange County is encouraged to come bask in the spleandor that is a club-held gaming event!

Now to details :).

Among other things, there are two Super Smash Brothers Melee tournaments being held, as well as many RPG's, including a pair of Live Action RPG's.

Two games I can easily recommend are the two Package runs and the Maze game.

Basically the Package runs take place in a city that has closed its borders for some reason, and there is a package that everyone in the game wants to get out of town. Whoever escapes the town with it wins. It sounds simple, but I've played in one. Since you are communicating with the DM through notes, you have no idea what everyone else is doing. Half of the fun is the actual game, and the other half is piecing together what happened afterwards. Character deaths can be quite spectacular :).

The maze game (Halaster’s Mad Maze) is not really a maze. You take a first level character, and he's put into a dungeon. The dungeon essentially consists of a series of rooms, all with traps. With clever traps.

Traps us brainstormers were laughing about :).

Oh, and a sword is being raffled off, and there are some other cool games going on. Anyone in the OC area should really come. It'll be great :).

Monday, April 26, 2004

Bush for Broadband...

Bush Seeks More High-Speed Internet Access, Tax Ban.

Okay, I don't like Bush. I think he's screwed us over in many areas. I'm SO not going to vote for him.

Still gotta give him props for getting on the right path...

Friday, April 23, 2004

A site music buffs should look at...

The premise of the site is that its a sort of database. You download a program for your music player of choice (including iTunes for Mac!), and that program tells them what song you're listening to. It keeps an archive of the songs you've listened to.

Also, it allows other people to see what kind of music you listen to.

Here's my page...

Note that I just started yesterday, and have been looping my Über Favorites track for the last day or so.

On a related note, no, I have no idea how it got the impression I've listened to Cotton Eyed Joe...




Monday, April 19, 2004

Dalai Lama visits UCI

The New University (UCI student paper) on the visit

MSNBC on the visit

1: Just too damn cool.

2: Although the picture isn't in the online articles, the best photo I've seen recently is in there: The Dalai Lama, one of the biggest religious leaders in the world, wearing a UCI visor :). Just sweet :).

And, unfortunately no, I did not go. I had class then :(.

EDIT: Picture! The Dalai Lama wearing a UCI visor :)

Fastest song in the Universe...

Right now, I'm trying to sing to what could very well be the fastest song in the world: End of the Universe by No. 9 (on the Dance Dance Revolution 3 soundtrack).

Here's the lyrics

Try to sing the first 4 verses in 57 seconds...

Or you can try to find the song.

Damn its hard...

Oops, song's starting again!

*has heart attack trying to keep up*

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know...

I know, its been about two weeks since my last post. So sue me.

Only thing of note that's happened in the last few weeks is that I've broken up with my girlfriend :`(.

Just posting that I'm alive...