Tuesday, December 31, 2002

We got back from Sacramento on Sunday, but I've been lazy again :).

I'll go ahead and finish the massive list of Web Comics now!

Stubble: This one is a dramady comic. The first two years were really great, but it seems like its slowed down a bit. Read the archives, of course, and the new comics are still pretty good.

Theater Hopper: Movie Comic. One of the many one-shot comics out there, but still pretty good. Not very old, not beautifully done art work, but still funny.

Movie Comics: THE Movie Comic. Essentially the Penny Arcade of the movie comics. Almost a complete paralell in fact. A must read if you love movies.

RPG World: Gaming Comic (what else?). This wonderful comic makes fun of the various FF games. Its beautifully done with a great archive. Another Staple of the Web Comic circle.

Mac Hall: Sorta a Gaming Comic, but its turned into a college life comic. Really funny, and great art work. Oh, and the maker is a Mac user :).

Sara and David: Very beautifully done Dramedy. Although only 52 strips old, it has the makings of a great comic down the line.

8-bit Theater: Gaming Comic. A sprite comic doing basically the same thing as RPG World does, only with sprites... Read this one if you like any of the FF games, because its just as good, if not better, than any other strip out there.

Finally, the 10 @ rating of all of the comics:

Its Walky: @@@@@@@@@@ (10)
PvP Online: @@@@@@@@@ (9)
Avalon: @@@@@@@@ (8)
Real Life: @@@@@@@@@ (9)
Briworld: @@@@@@@@@ (9)
Ctrl-Alt-Del: @@@@@@@@ (8)
D+pad: @@@@@@@ (7)
Megatokyo: @@@@@@@@@@ (10)
Errant Story: @@@@@@@@@@ (10)
Penny Arcade: @@@@@@@@@@ (10)
Angels 2200: @@@@@@@@ (8)
Bob and NYM: @@@@@@@@ (8)
Stubble: @@@@@@@ (7)
Theater Hopper: @@@@@@@@ (8)
Movie Comics: @@@@@@@@@ (9)
RPG World: @@@@@@@@@@ (10)
Mac Hall: @@@@@@@@@ (9)
Sara and David: @@@@@@@@@ (9)
8-bit Theater: @@@@@@@@@@ (10)

Thursday, December 26, 2002


My family's heading up to Sacramento to visit more family, so while I have time, I'll throw out the list some more of the web-comics.

D+Pad: Video Game Store Comic. Basically Clerks in a video game store. That's all I really need to say about it :). Pretty good, but updates are rare nowadays.

Megatokyo: Gaming comic (yep, another). This is one of the most popular web comics out there. Basic setting is two american gamers, one also an anime artist and another slightly whacked, who are in tokyo trying to get enough money to get back to the US. Excelent, and the comic is going to have book out soon, too!

Errant Story: Fantasy comic. This one is very new, but made my the maker of Exploitation Now, another amazing web comic that has recently ended. This one looks to be pretty good.

Penny Arcade: Gaming comic. This is THE gaming comic. Possibly the best comic to actually directly talk about video games (Megatokyo is more plot driven, this one ain't). Just Uber.

Angels 2200: Sci-Fi comic. Pretty good, about a group of fighter pilots in a universe where no men exist and various colonies of Earth are in revolt. Looks like it will get really good.

Bob and NYM: Weird comic. Made by two posters at Infoceptor, it is a web comic of their design. Pretty interesting, and I would suggust it.

I'll finish off the list when I get back!

Wednesday, December 25, 2002

Ahh, Christmas, the season of Giving.

Its also the season of Getting! Here's a short list of my presents:

Max Payne (UBER!)
Variety of Songs from Movies burned by my sister.
Very nice robe
New PJ bottoms.
CD holder
Sh!tload of CD-R's.
The Worst-Case Scenario Calender (Just awesome!)
A Ray Bradbury book
A book on how to write sci-fi by Orson Scott Card
Hackers^2 CD
Sweat Shirt

That's basically it! Max Payne should entertain me quite a bit, and thanks to the CD's, my iTunes Library is at 637 songs at 1 day, 12 hours, 52 minutes and 33 seconds, taking up 2.37 GB of disc.

Friday, December 20, 2002


As you know, I love web comics. I have about 15 of them bookmarked currently, and I'd like you to know a bit about them.

Tonight I'll explain the daily comics (either M-F or M-SU)

Its Walky: Sci-Fi/Romantic Comedy really. Centered around an agency which fights extra terrestrial threats, an operation that, until recently, was kept secret. Really good and has some great (and long) archives. Doing a M-Su rotaion for 6-7 years!

PvP Online: A Game Comic. Centered around the staff of a gaming magazine called PvP. A great gaming comic and pretty fun to read. Bit of a sell-out though...

Avalon: Romantic Comedy. Its centered around a few Canadian seniors going to school at Avalon High School, although mainly around Celidh (pronounced Kaylee) and Josh (pronounced Josh...). Really good, and although sparatic updates recently, still something I check almost every day for updates. Great Archives.

Real Life: Another Gaming comic. Basically a mirror of the artist's real life, involving slightly exagurated people from real life (his friends). Great to read because it often breaks the line between characters and artist. Uber Archives.

Briworld: A Movie Comic. Similar to Real Life, except its about this guy Brian who is obsessed with movies instead of games. Newer than most of the others in the list, but a great comic nevertheless.

Ctrl + Alt + Del: Gaming Comic (see a pattern?). Basically a comic strip about two gamers. Not sure if they are real, but who cares? Very new and pretty well done.

3/week comics coming next!

Wednesday, December 18, 2002


Giles is dead. Either he's dead or he should have a really big bandage on his neck.

Take a lesson from the sixth sense. In that movie, Bruce Willis never interacted with the enviornment at all. Giles never interacted with the enviornment. He leaned against walls, blocked the sun, but he never actually touched any people or moved any object.

Oh, and an axe came within inches of cutting off his head a few weeks ago before the camera turned off.

Astute peole, like my sister at Green Fire Burning, noticed that Giles only wore what he was wearing right before his head was cut off.


Monday, December 16, 2002

Eric’s Christmas List!

  • Hackers

  • Unbreakable

  • Good Sci-fi or Fantasy movies

  • Baldur’s Gate 2

  • Max Payne

  • Nothing for PS1, please.

  • Whatever you can think of :) (soundtracks good)

  • Sci-Fi Comilations

  • Good Fantasy

  • Books I’d like :)

  • Old Russian Surplus Weapons ;)

  • Gift Certificates occasionally work.

  • A CD carrying Case (yes, another, I know...)

  • A CD CASE storage space.

  • Anything Else I might like :).

Here ya go Liz.

Sunday, December 15, 2002

Well, yesterday the internet was perfectly fine. No problems in that respect.

It was power that was a bit fault.

We had some heavy rains yesterday. 45 degree rain (the angle at which the rain is hitting the ground). Power was flashing on and off, and I had to actually NOT depend on electricity for fun!


Fortunately it didn't last very long, but it was still annoying.

And, that's about it. Liz comes home this week (sometime), so that should make things more fun.

NEED TO SHOP!! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, December 12, 2002

Grr, internet is acting up...

*sigh* boring week. Best kind, really, but next week will be... interesting.


Monday, December 09, 2002

Something that's stuck in my mind as of late is the theory of multiple universes. That, for every possible decision, a parallel universe is split off where that decision actually occured. Its also a solution for the grandfather paradox of time travel: If you go back in time and killed your grandfather, then how could you exist? Answer: You created a new set of parallel universes. Grandpa died, you still exist, and everything is fine.

Anyway, I was starting to think about the accident. If the Theory of Multiple Universes actually is correct, then that means that in millions of universes I never hit the pine cone and fell over, or my parents gave me a ride, or I already had my driver's license.

It also mean that in millions of universes, I broke both arms from the fall, or I swerved, missed the pine cone, and 20 yards later get hit by a car, or I didn't even exist.

I'm happy with the way things are now :).

Friday, December 06, 2002

Let me explain my absence for this week.

On Wednesday, I had a drawing project due, and I had to take it home to work on.
On Thursday, I had an economics project due, as well as a Film Analysis Project due.
On Thursday by Midnight, I had a C++ assignment due.

4 projects in 2 days...


Time to go hunt some orc!

Monday, December 02, 2002

Well, ebert and roper split on Treasure planet, so anyone who picked that won.

(checks comment section)


Okaaaaay. ANYWAY:

Christmas with my cousins was fun. Watched 4 movies there, including Panic Room (4.5/5), Ice Age (4/5), and Die Another Day (3.5/5)

Let me explain DAD.

Compared to the other bond movies (saw a few on TNN...), it gets a 4.5/5. Halle Barry is great, as is Pierce Brosnan, but it isn't as good as Golden Eye, possibly the best of the lot, at least of the Brosnan Bond movies (World is not Enough and Tomorrow Never Dies...), but the new one was a bit too actiony, and didn't really have enough plot in it. Some great elements, true, but I never really found out much about the main bad guy or Jynx!

BTW: Best thing about the movie is the car. Really cool primary weapons and OPTICAL CAMOFLOUGE! W00t! I'm disapointed they didn't play with the shroud effect a bit more (visual displacement caused by movement, making it possible to track if you know what you're looking for. Similar to cloaking in Starcraft.

Oh, and he brought it back :). Just needs a new windsheild...