Monday, March 29, 2004
Sunday, March 28, 2004
Thursday, March 25, 2004
My ICS teacher is really fast...
Grade on Final Exam: 80%
Final Grade for Class: A-
Note: This was pretty heavily curved :).
Time to dance :):
Final Grade for Class: A-
Note: This was pretty heavily curved :).
Time to dance :):

Wednesday, March 24, 2004
I can't feel my right hand...
Okay, I'm taking my ICS final this morning. I'm expecting it to have maybe two or three questions requiring me to write a few methods, rest being factual ones based on pre-written-code/concepts or non-programming questions (such things DO exist in an ICS class).
Heh, silly me. Why should I think this? True, my teacher only said it was going to be only two or three long writing questions. What could possibly give me that idea? [/blatant, bitter sarcasm].
Of the nine questions, five of them were "write-a-method"s.
I think I erased more of what I wrote than what was there in the end.
Oh, I think I did pretty well. Only concern I really had was the Runtime problems, and even then I don't think I did too badly (Oh-notation is not my friend...).
And in 6 hours, 33 minutes, and 49 seconds I will be done with all of my finals...
Heh, silly me. Why should I think this? True, my teacher only said it was going to be only two or three long writing questions. What could possibly give me that idea? [/blatant, bitter sarcasm].
Of the nine questions, five of them were "write-a-method"s.
I think I erased more of what I wrote than what was there in the end.
Oh, I think I did pretty well. Only concern I really had was the Runtime problems, and even then I don't think I did too badly (Oh-notation is not my friend...).
And in 6 hours, 33 minutes, and 49 seconds I will be done with all of my finals...
Monday, March 22, 2004
Friday, March 19, 2004
World of Warcraft BETA!
No, I don't have it yet. I hope I do.
Cause I legitimately signed up three times, which gives me comparatively good odds on getting it (I hope...).
However, whenever I hear the little *ping* that notifies me I got mail, then I basically scramble over to the computer in a mad dash to see if I got the email...
On a related note, my desk has a few noticible dents in it signifying where my shins hit it :). (that was a joke, i didn't damage my desk...)
Cause I legitimately signed up three times, which gives me comparatively good odds on getting it (I hope...).
However, whenever I hear the little *ping* that notifies me I got mail, then I basically scramble over to the computer in a mad dash to see if I got the email...
On a related note, my desk has a few noticible dents in it signifying where my shins hit it :). (that was a joke, i didn't damage my desk...)
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
Fun fun webcomics!
Sinfest on Gay Marriage.
Sometimes Sinfest is a overly sarcastic, cynical, and sexually oriented webcomic, and sometimes it does such a great job...
Package Tracker watching...
I've done that, too...
DEATH TO SPYWARE (and their makers)
I'm so glad I'm on a mac...
Gabe is having a child...
This isn't a comic, but if you go down to the section entitled "The Braying and Neighing of Farmyard Animals Follows", you'll read that not only is one of the makers of Penny Arcade married, but he's also having a kid.
That's just sweet :).
Sometimes Sinfest is a overly sarcastic, cynical, and sexually oriented webcomic, and sometimes it does such a great job...
Package Tracker watching...
I've done that, too...
DEATH TO SPYWARE (and their makers)
I'm so glad I'm on a mac...
Gabe is having a child...
This isn't a comic, but if you go down to the section entitled "The Braying and Neighing of Farmyard Animals Follows", you'll read that not only is one of the makers of Penny Arcade married, but he's also having a kid.
That's just sweet :).
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
F***ing A!
I am signed up for classes, and for once there wasn't a mad scramble to get everything set :).
Here's my Schedule:
ICS H23: Introduction to Computer Science III
Lecture: Tu/Th 2-3:30 PM
Discussion: W 3-4 PM
Lab: Tu/Th 3:30-5 PM
Physics 7B: Classical Physics: Energy, rotation and gravity.
Lecture: M/W/F 1-2 PM
Discussion: Th 10-11 AM
Lab: W 4-6 PM
Writing 39B: Critical Reading and Rhetoric.
Seminar: Tu/Th 11-12:30
History 11: Introduction to Peace and Conflict.
Lecture: M/W/F 10-11 AM
Discussion: F 11-12
Nothing before 10 AM! W00T!
Here's my Schedule:
ICS H23: Introduction to Computer Science III
Lecture: Tu/Th 2-3:30 PM
Discussion: W 3-4 PM
Lab: Tu/Th 3:30-5 PM
Physics 7B: Classical Physics: Energy, rotation and gravity.
Lecture: M/W/F 1-2 PM
Discussion: Th 10-11 AM
Lab: W 4-6 PM
Writing 39B: Critical Reading and Rhetoric.
Seminar: Tu/Th 11-12:30
History 11: Introduction to Peace and Conflict.
Lecture: M/W/F 10-11 AM
Discussion: F 11-12
Nothing before 10 AM! W00T!
Monday, March 15, 2004
My Classes Next Quarter...
No, I'm not signed up yet. I do that tomorrow morning. At 10:00:00.01 AM.
I'm not kidding. I'm signing up the SECOND my window opens.
I actually have quite a nice schedule planned out. 4 classes, nothing before 10 AM, nothing after 6 PM, and all classes that I'm intrested in AND help me with breadth reqs!
And, no, I'm not going to mention anything about which clases they are. Not going to jinx it...
Well, here's to hoping...
I'm not kidding. I'm signing up the SECOND my window opens.
I actually have quite a nice schedule planned out. 4 classes, nothing before 10 AM, nothing after 6 PM, and all classes that I'm intrested in AND help me with breadth reqs!
And, no, I'm not going to mention anything about which clases they are. Not going to jinx it...
Well, here's to hoping...
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
No, I'm not planning on commiting it. I'm quite happy with my life right now.
But when you see two different people whom you know over the internet contemplate suicide seriously, it tends to rattle you.
They need help. The former may already be dead, and the latter is strongly considering it should he recieve a certain piece of bad news (I've basically sworn to keep the specifics secret). And I can't help either one, really.
Part of it is the limitations on the internet, not being able to call the police of the city they live in, and part of it is just inablity to convince either one not to do it.
If someone wants to give me a hand with this, I'd be much obliged.
And before anyone asks, yes I'm trusting these people to be serious. Its a community, whether we like it or not...
But when you see two different people whom you know over the internet contemplate suicide seriously, it tends to rattle you.
They need help. The former may already be dead, and the latter is strongly considering it should he recieve a certain piece of bad news (I've basically sworn to keep the specifics secret). And I can't help either one, really.
Part of it is the limitations on the internet, not being able to call the police of the city they live in, and part of it is just inablity to convince either one not to do it.
If someone wants to give me a hand with this, I'd be much obliged.
And before anyone asks, yes I'm trusting these people to be serious. Its a community, whether we like it or not...
Here's to hoping...
Game Over review.
Yeah, its aimed at a niche market. Yes, its expensive to make. Yes, its on UPN.
Doesn't neccessarily mean it'll get cancelled...
Yeah, its aimed at a niche market. Yes, its expensive to make. Yes, its on UPN.
Doesn't neccessarily mean it'll get cancelled...
The last few days have given us SoCal peeps 80+ highs.
Yeah, I know, great weather and all, except for the fact that my dorm room has no AC, and my fan is up at home.
Why would I need a fan in Winter? Yeah, its CA, but its still the friggin winter!
Although, I must admit, there are worse places to live...
Yeah, I know, great weather and all, except for the fact that my dorm room has no AC, and my fan is up at home.
Why would I need a fan in Winter? Yeah, its CA, but its still the friggin winter!
Although, I must admit, there are worse places to live...
Tuesday, March 09, 2004
Over 100% voter turnout in some OC districts...
Uhh, oops.
When one pricinct gets 169% turnout from one polling place and another pricinct gets 5% turnout from the same polling location, someone screwed up. Badly.
Oh well...
Uhh, oops.
When one pricinct gets 169% turnout from one polling place and another pricinct gets 5% turnout from the same polling location, someone screwed up. Badly.
Oh well...
Sunday, March 07, 2004
Friday, March 05, 2004
Oh, remember how I said that I would only have 6 days for Spring Break?
Uhh, I was wrong.
New Student Orientation aparantly starts on the 31st. School doesn't actually start until April 5th.
That's a couple of extra days...
So I'm driving up on Thursday, and the way things are looking I'll probably arrive late on Thursday. Ken (who I'm driving up with, who's also paying for gas) has a final that ends a 3:30, so if we pack everything before hand we should be able to hit the 405 before we hit any major traffic. That is, until we hit LAX. Then all bets are off...
Later than I want to leave, but shouldn't be much of a problem in any case.
And this way I can take my computer!
Oh, and Liz, if you want to meet me this Sunday when I'm up at my thing, you should know its taking place at the Mondrian Hotel on Sunset.
What's that, a five minute drive for you?
Also, I'm doing it at 11:30 for probably 30-45 minutes, I'd guess, given by the fact they're placing us an hour apart. So if you want to meet up for lunch, that'd be great.
Also, I got some things that are yours, so that's another reason *evil grin*.
Uhh, I was wrong.
New Student Orientation aparantly starts on the 31st. School doesn't actually start until April 5th.
That's a couple of extra days...
So I'm driving up on Thursday, and the way things are looking I'll probably arrive late on Thursday. Ken (who I'm driving up with, who's also paying for gas) has a final that ends a 3:30, so if we pack everything before hand we should be able to hit the 405 before we hit any major traffic. That is, until we hit LAX. Then all bets are off...
Later than I want to leave, but shouldn't be much of a problem in any case.
And this way I can take my computer!
Oh, and Liz, if you want to meet me this Sunday when I'm up at my thing, you should know its taking place at the Mondrian Hotel on Sunset.
What's that, a five minute drive for you?
Also, I'm doing it at 11:30 for probably 30-45 minutes, I'd guess, given by the fact they're placing us an hour apart. So if you want to meet up for lunch, that'd be great.
Also, I got some things that are yours, so that's another reason *evil grin*.
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
Kerry/Clinton in 2004?
It almost makes sense...
Hell, I'd vote for them!
(and, yes, we are talking about Bill here...)
It almost makes sense...
Hell, I'd vote for them!
(and, yes, we are talking about Bill here...)
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
Orange County Voting ROCKS!
I've voted. Took me about 2 minutes, since there was no line at the voting area on campus.
We got e-voting here :).
The machines are very impressive. Not only do they have a very nice scroll wheel, not touch screen, to select who you want to vote for, they allow you to go back if you make a mistake, something that really isn't possible with most other voting techniques. They are sleek, well designed, and pretty user friendly. Not to mention no waste :).
Of course, if the entirty of Orange County votes for Bill Gates, I think we'll know who to blame...
One thing I think that should be changed is for some way to view your votes online, by using the access code and name. Just to prevent problems and people complaining about voter fraud via computer.
Still, if these machines were in use nationally in 2000, Gore would probably be President. Seriously, these things better as HELL be the future of voting, cause nothing else makes sense...
I've voted. Took me about 2 minutes, since there was no line at the voting area on campus.
We got e-voting here :).
The machines are very impressive. Not only do they have a very nice scroll wheel, not touch screen, to select who you want to vote for, they allow you to go back if you make a mistake, something that really isn't possible with most other voting techniques. They are sleek, well designed, and pretty user friendly. Not to mention no waste :).
Of course, if the entirty of Orange County votes for Bill Gates, I think we'll know who to blame...
One thing I think that should be changed is for some way to view your votes online, by using the access code and name. Just to prevent problems and people complaining about voter fraud via computer.
Still, if these machines were in use nationally in 2000, Gore would probably be President. Seriously, these things better as HELL be the future of voting, cause nothing else makes sense...
Monday, March 01, 2004
I am the Theorycraft Master!
Interesting e-mail I just recieved.
You see, a week or two ago I entered a contest online, which was asking for ideas for gaming. New game ideas, ya know. Being the Theorycraft Master that I am, of course I had to enter. I threw in an idea for a combination X-box/PC game, in the FPS/RTS combo genre. The details are partially unimportant, partially secret *evil grin*.
Anyway, I got an email today about them liking my submissiona and wanting to interview me this Sunday regarding it, for the GDC on the 24th.
However, they didn't have my phone number, so they asked me to call the person's number so they can get it.
Now, this is probably not completely a form letter, simply because of the fact they were asking for my phone number.
So I called the person, who picked up herself, and gave me a little speil about it. They're going to be in an LAX airport this weekend in order to interview me and a few other people in the area (supposedly only 5 total).
Since its a Sunday, I'm perfectly free.
Now, I'm not exactly getting my hopes up (although I did dance a bit to Rock Star after the call), but this sounds pretty intresting. And after she finished I decided to ask how many people were being given this honor (not those exact words...), and she said she was being sent to 3 areas, and interviewing 15 people. She then guessed it was probably 30 people total.
More dancing.
Interesting e-mail I just recieved.
You see, a week or two ago I entered a contest online, which was asking for ideas for gaming. New game ideas, ya know. Being the Theorycraft Master that I am, of course I had to enter. I threw in an idea for a combination X-box/PC game, in the FPS/RTS combo genre. The details are partially unimportant, partially secret *evil grin*.
Anyway, I got an email today about them liking my submissiona and wanting to interview me this Sunday regarding it, for the GDC on the 24th.
However, they didn't have my phone number, so they asked me to call the person's number so they can get it.
Now, this is probably not completely a form letter, simply because of the fact they were asking for my phone number.
So I called the person, who picked up herself, and gave me a little speil about it. They're going to be in an LAX airport this weekend in order to interview me and a few other people in the area (supposedly only 5 total).
Since its a Sunday, I'm perfectly free.
Now, I'm not exactly getting my hopes up (although I did dance a bit to Rock Star after the call), but this sounds pretty intresting. And after she finished I decided to ask how many people were being given this honor (not those exact words...), and she said she was being sent to 3 areas, and interviewing 15 people. She then guessed it was probably 30 people total.
More dancing.