Friday, May 28, 2004

High Heart Rate Music!

Okay, I'm a college student. I admit, I've pulled an all nighter or two.

Or ten. ;)

Anyway, the biggest danger for me is falling asleep three or four hours before class starts, and nullifying everything I've been working so hard on. And I play music.

And there's this band called Allister that rocks oh so very much...

Apple Music Store link to Somewhere on Fullerton

"Somewhere on Fullerton" is their big single, really. And it keeps playing and keeping me awake...

Them and Memory by Sugarcult just work wonders...

I strongly suggust you get these songs. They roxxorz.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

The Draft is coming back...

The Text of HR 163 (very similar to S 89)

Info on it.

Here's the gist: Every person (man and woman) between 18-26 will have to go to enter the draft for two years.


That means you too, liz.

Now, naturally, some exemptions apply. But no College exemption this time. My medical condition (non limiting) will likely not be effective enough to get me out of it.

So I emailed my senators, basically saying that the bill should at least, AT LEAST, exempt those who are already over the age of 18.

Like me and liz.

It could be argued that Ex Post Facto applies to this, but I'd rather not have to sue the government.

Still, might be nice for other people to know about this.

*stares at Liz*

Anyway, contact your reps, people! Get this travesty changed!

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

This is amazing...

Monday, May 24, 2004

Sinfest's "Notes from the Resistance"

Sinfest is one of my favorite webcomics. Not because its a gaming comic (it isn't), or that it has a great plot (not horrible, but nothing long and amazing), but because it is not only funny but also very good at looking at American culture with a clever eye. There are strips in there that are awesome, basically because the maker of the strip can be funny and serious at the same time, looking at the issues of today in clever ways.

Besides, it's funny! And yet occasionally serious...

Anyway, on the front page the maker of Sinfest, Tatsuya Ishida, has a little section he calls "Notes from the Resistance", where he engages in funny, and often sarcastic, commentary. This is what he has on there right now:

New reality shows slated for the fall season:
· The Candidate. George W. Bush and John Kerry spend a whole month together in a mansion filled with lobbyists. Who will get in bed with whom? Don't miss the sizzling behind the scenes deal-making. Each episode concludes with both candidates handing out long-stemmed roses to their favorite special interest groups.
· The Apprentice of The Dark Side. The evil Emperor must choose among several aspiring Sith Lords, all vying for the coveted job of "Darth Executive," in charge of overseeing construction of the Deathstar. Each round eliminates a contestant with the famous tagline "You're fired," and is then zapped with lightning and thrown off a ledge to his infernal doom.
· Aramaic Idol. The nation wide search for the next messiah. Come put your healing powers to the test and go head to head with other saviours and miracle workers for the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever amen. Produced by Mel Gibson.
· CNN Cribs: News Anchor Edition. Paula Zahn gives a sneak peek of her kickin' pad in the O.C., all West Coast flava y'all cuz the bitch is mad bangin' wit the bling bling, know what I'm saying? Holla!

Read the comic. You'll enjoy it :).

F***ING fire alarm...

Okay, so last night I took a shower. I was thinking "Hell, why not, my hair needs it."

Now normally, I linger in the shower for a good 20-30 minutes. We have enough hot water to go for an hour on end, at least, and I like hot water. However, someone else must've showered before me, cause the hot water started to fade away.

So I turn off the water, and the SECOND MOST ANNOYING SOUND IN THE FREAKING WORLD GOES OFF!!!!1!!!one!!

Most annoying being that sound in Dumb and Dumber, of course :).

I deduce that it could only be the fire alarm, so I hurry back to my room in my towel, get rid of as much of the water as I could, put on my gym shorts and a bath robe, and get outside.

I spend the next thirty minutes waiting out there. And there was some snickering at my luck, of course, but I found some other people and we complained about how it was taking a half hour for the fire department to show up.

No, the place wasn't on fire. Just a false alarm thanks to some technical difficulties, but it was NOT FUN.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

The Final Angel Episode...



I have two problems with the episode:

1: Yes, Joss, I know you don't do two-part episodes. Its always been one of you're better parts, for not forcing us to wait a quarter of a year to see what happens to Buffy or Angel.

But, if you're going to send all of the main characters on separate fights, could ye at least show us more of each fight? Or at least lengthen the ending slightly?

2: (Don't read if you haven't seen it yet)

Okay, you have a huge hellbourne army attacking the four remaining heros, one of whom is half dead. That said, two of them are vamps, and the other is Ileria, who is pretty damn strong in her own right. There's also, unless I'm mistaken, a dragon. A FREAKING DRAGON!

And what do you do?

Cut to credits just as they go towards the army.


A plague on you, Whedon! A plague upon all of your houses!

That episode could easily have been made a two parter! Give us a big battle scene! Give us Angel fighting a Dragon!

Give us some bloody closure!

... or are you hoping to be picked up on UPN in a year...?

Worst. Finale. EVER! [/comic book guy voice]

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

ABC's New Fall Lineup!

Clicky Clicky!

One show I would like to rant about, if I may:


"Life As We Know It" (one-hour drama, Thursday, 9:00-10:00 p.m., ET) -- They say teenage boys think about sex every 15 seconds. That's 240 times an hour. And in between they cram everything else: Cheating moms. Interfering dads. Sex. Secret crushes. Pop quizzes. Sex. Clueless teachers. School cliques. Sex. It's enough to make a kid's head explode.

Melvin Burgess' breakthrough novel is the basis for this series about three hormone-charged teenage boys who are trying to do something even harder than losing their virginity, and that's to grow up without totally freaking out. There's Dino, the handsome jock with the secret sensitive side; Jonathan, the artist who sees life through a camera lens; and Ben, the straight-A student who still can't make his parents happy. You know them. You grew up with them. Maybe you were them.

This coming of age drama in the tradition of "Stand By Me" and "The Outsiders" comes to ABC from the writers of "Freaks & Geeks" and "Just Shoot Me."


First off, teenage boys do not think about sex once every 15 seconds. I should know. I was/am one. ASSUMING THE STAT IS ACCURATE, we think about sex for an average of once per fifteen seconds. Its not like in the middle of algebra we're thinking about sex spontaneously. That would've been very disturbing for me, since I had a pretty old woman teaching my algebra class.


Just felt like shooting that part out of the water.

Now lets move on to the characters...

Dino: Wow, a handsome jock who is also sensitive! That's amazingly rare!

Except for pretty much half of the athletes at my high school...


5 bucks that this character will be an idiot.

Johnathan: Never met one of these guys. Its just a crappy one-dimensional stereotype that movies and TV use to create a secondary character.

Another 5 bucks that Johnathan will struggle in all other subjects besides art. And that his camera will break within the first three episodes.


Ben: First off, this is such a tired character template that its not even useful anymore. My psychic, err, that is sarcastic, powers tell me that he will be pathetic in sports and probably be picked on until he befriends the jock.

And all of the main characters are white.

God, POWER RANGERS had better characters than this group!

And now we get to the OTHER stereotypes:

Pop Quizzes: Almost never had them.

Clueless teachers: Excluding my first Spanish teacher, who lasted a couple weeks and was fired when she did not notice that a student was smoking pot in her class, I never had any. Teachers get paid crap, so they do their jobs because they love them. They aren't clueless, not by a long shot. I might be wrong about schools in general, but I don't really think so. Call it another of my patented hunches.

School cliques: I guess these existed, but not really pronounced. Closest we came in LAHS was club cliques. Certaintly nothing exclusionary as a rule. But I might be wrong.

And do you know how else I know its gonna suck?

Its up against both CSI, the highest rated show in that time slot, and WWE Smackdown, UPN's highest rated show (either that or Enterprise) which takes up a lot of the teenage male audience that isn't watching CSI or playing computer games. And The Apprentice 2 is in that time slot. Its like they're saying to themselves "Okay, the show sucks, but we need to fill in the time slot o' death, so lets toss it there and see if it has a chance."

I'll be suprised if it lasts a month.

Oh, and you just KNOW Blind Justice is gonna suck. Badly. Really Badly.


God, I'm starting to sound like my sister...

Friday, May 14, 2004

The Incredibles Trailer

Clicky for the trailer!

Ya know, one of these days, Pixar is going to make a bad movie.

Not this year :).

DAMN this looks good!

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Hey Mom, an old friend...

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Reason #1 why the PSP will be a real contender...

For those who don't know, the PSP (PlayStation Portable I guess) is Sony's entry into the Nintendo dominated handheld gaming market.

Here is one game that will likely be a release title for the PSP: Metal Gear: Acid:

IGN article on Metal Gear: Acid.

And here's a screenie...


For all who didn't know...

Monday, May 10, 2004

Eric's Microsoft Interview...

Scroll down to Inspiration and look for me!

I'm only in there for about 10 seconds, talking about stuff that had little to do with my actual idea. Look for me to be about a minute in.



Eh, got two damn good games for it tho :).

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Summer idea...

Okay, I have no internship/job over the summer, except possibly for working at videoscope/other retail store.

And that will get boring. Fast.

So here's my idea for what I should do over the summer: Write a chess program (sans the AI, just two player).

Here's the fun part: I could do it. I know I can. Ever since I thought up the idea, the problems have been rushing around in my mind, and I've been finding ways around them. Still working on how to implement the whole check thing, but that shouldn't be too hard.

I'm actually sorta worried that the idea might be a bit too easy. Or just not long enough.

Hell, might make a blackjack program if I'm really bored...

Any thoughts?

Friday, May 07, 2004

Friends Finale

Okay, I watched it last night.

It was everything I expected it to be. In other words: Not as good as it could've been.

Look, nothing against the happy way it ended, but part of me was wishing Ross didn't end up with Rachel. Because not everything ends the way it should.

Oh, and they gave Monica and Chandler twins just for the hell of it. And so they could push a few extra jokes in. Of course, maybe they set that up in advance, but it didn't seem like it...

Its just, it could've been so much better, and instead they made it safe.

DS9 had a great ending. Finish Sisko's legacy (and pseudo-kill him off), kill Dukat, split up the crew, and make Kas pregnant.

Birth is just a confirmation that the baby's there, that it exists, just the final step in the process. Finding out is real drama.

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Why College is so much more stressful than High School

Yeah, yeah, long title, I know.

Well, I'm working on my English rough draft. Earlier today my ICS program did the impossible: It did what I wanted it to do half a day before the deadline.


Anyway it occured to me why college is so much more stressful and difficult than High School.

You see, High school gives you more classes, true, but College classes are harder. They sort of balance out really. However, one element comes into play that gives college the edge.


You see, in high school there's about 100-150 classes being taught. Of course, most of those are taught many times during the day, and freshmen rarely take classes with seniors. So its pretty easy to figure out when classmates have five tests on one day. Since high school teachers are mostly softies (no offense, Tom Jones and Flojo :) ), they'll often reschedule their tests and projects around tests and projects from other classes. I really only had a max of two, rarely three, tests or projects due on the same day. And I mean rarely. Almost never. And there was a major thing pretty much every week, so that kept the stress up. Also, tests were easy cause they were ususally just on the last two weeks material.

Heh, I wish.

College is different. On any given day, excluding a few days right around the beginning of class and finals, there's a dozen tests/projects going on/due. Take a typical lecture hall of 150. One of them probably has a test or a project on any given day.

Thus, teachers don't even try to reschedule. They know someone is going to have a nightmare day, no matter what day they try to schedule it. So they don't even try.

I dunno, this made much more sense in my mind.

But then I saw a bear cub and cougar cub duking it out with each other, and Leno, and probably forgot about half of what I meant.

"Go for the Jugular! Kill 'im! No, not the bear!"

And now I must quote the eternal words of the Sword Coast's, and Faerun's, greatest hero:


Minsc, gotta love 'em :).

(for those who don't know, Minsc is the best character in the Baldur's Gate saga, a video game based on Forgotten Realms ADD 2nd Edition. An adventurer who's taken a few too many bumps on the head, and believes that his hamster, Boo, is a "giant minature space-time hamster."


Fun :).

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Just shoot me now...

Lets rundown my week for you, shall I?

Monday: Nil.

Tuesday: Thesis and two body paragraphs due for Writing. (No biggie)

Wednesday: No physics lab, but History Midterm instead.

Thursday: Possibly a physics quiz, unsure right now. Large ICS project due (about 1/3 done, I hope...), and possibly the full rough draft of my second Writing paper due. (will find out soon...)

Friday: Physics midterm.

Yeah, I've had worse, and writing down how little I actually have is somewhat comforting, but its not going to be a fun week. Not by a long shot...


Sunday, May 02, 2004

****ing heat...

Okay, its 93 degrees right now. It was a lot hotter a little bit ago.

Its a really annoying heat, too. You see, I have homework due on Tuesday. I know this. I just don't have the power to do homework.

However, I know that if I loaded up Ghost Recon, I would be having fun. I just know this.

But I don't want to play a game, because I have homework...

So I'm alternating between being slumped in my chair, or lying on my bed in a heap.
