Tuesday, November 26, 2002


Okay, I'm putting up a betting pool regarding the Ebert and Ropert review of Treasure planet. Available to anyone who actually knows me in real life.

2 Thumbs up: 2:5
1 Thumb up, one down: 3:10
2 Thumbs down: 3:10

Place your bets in the Comments :).

It looks like an interesting movie. Disney had done very well in making good Winter animated movies (Toy Stories, Monster's inc, Emperor's New Groove). This could be interesting...

Sunday, November 24, 2002

Damn, weekends over.

To recap this weekend:

Played Warcraft 3. Whooped with bears.
Played Baulder's Gate. Horrible graphics for these days. Can't wait to get Baulder's Gate 2 (subtle hint to parents and sisters).
Prepared UC application. I'll do it online anyway, just collecting data.
Did some homework *gasp!*
Saw LOTR extended version. Why did they take out the gift scene? WHY?

That's about it...

Friday, November 22, 2002

Counterfeit 1's!

Interesting thing just happened. A customer here almost paid her bill with a very real looking 1. Perfectly accurate if it weren't for one small problem:

Santa Claus was on it instead of George Washington...

It felt real, the back looked real, and the only thing that was off was the portait.


Wednesday, November 20, 2002


Well, I am now in a cast. At least its stylishly black instead of dull offf-white. Its better than the splint for a few reasons:

1: More mobility with my left fingers.

2: Looks nicer than the splint.

3: It deals 1d4 of damage :).

Its on for four weeks, about. On December 19th, it will be off!

All I want for christmas is my whole left arm.

My whole left arm

My whole left arm...

Sunday, November 17, 2002


Please excuse any typos or capitalization errors. I'm doing the best I can.

I was going down El Monte, biking of course, at around 20 mph.

Now, this is easy for me. I usually bike in high gear, and going 20 mph on a slight down hill isn't that hard.

However, this is fall, and pine cones occasionally drop from Pine Trees.

A pine cone is full of seeds. Its about as long as a standard paperback, wide as a baseball, and very hard. They are also not fun things to hit when going 20 mph down El Monte.

One moment I'm going 20 mph down El Monte, the next I've lost control of my bike, and the next I'm heading 20 mph INTO El Monte.

I landed in the bike lane, fortunately. I went to the hospital, and left with a big headache, a nice collection of scrapes and cuts, a fractured left wrist (i'm a righty), and a very bruised ego.

Right now my beautiful visage is broken up by large red scrapes on my cheek and next to my eye. The splint on my hand is limiting my typing ability, hence the typos that are casuing my typing speed to drop as I go back to delete.

Lets see, classes are calc BC, Econ, Physics AP, Film, and Art. I was born on 2/14/85. I graduate on Friday the thirteenth, in June. Damage/second of tier 1 melee units is grunt/ghoul/footman/huntress.

Head's Ok :).
posted by Wraithy at 11/17/2002 09:45:00 PM 0 comments

Thursday, November 14, 2002

Well, I'm now the highest paid person in the house (sorta).

My mom got laid off, but we still get pay and medical insurance till mid-December.

My mom's company is one of the remaining dot-coms. They laid off their source code division a few weeks ago. She was gonna start looking for another job even if she didn't get laid off. When a company lays people off three weeks after their last lay-off spree, things aren't looking to good.

She'll probably get a job soon, hopefully with a company that actually has a future. There is no need to worry.

There is an official forum awards going on at infoceptor right now. I *might* get nominated for something, but there is gonna be some exploitation. I just know it.

Oh, and if you look to the left, you'll notice the webcomics. All good, and I will heartily reccomend them all.

Now joining the list is Errant Story, a new webcomic by Michael Poe. He made Exploitation Now, one of the best comics last year, before it ended. This one should be interesting, and hopefully have as much fan service as the last one :).

I read the comic for the plot, I swear!

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Heh, I MEANT "See ya Wednesday!"

Really :).

Anyway, Harvey Mudd was interesting. Lots of psychotic people, lots of homework, and lots of bad food.

Access to 7 dining halls only means you have access to 7 different types of bad food, aparantly...

I got to drive down a fairly winding highway during rain on Sunday, so I learned how to drive fast under wet conditions. Just need that license now!

Uhh, school was boring as usual. I tried to pay attention all day but it sorta dragged on. Basically we did a bunch of homework in class.

Oh, and my mom may be out of a job today. Not sure.

Details coming soon...

Sunday, November 10, 2002


As we all know, tomorrow is Vetereans day, and Tuesday my school is doing Parent - Teacher Confrences. This gives me 4 days to rest, relax, frag, and prepare for colleges...

I'm heading down to LA (I live between SF and SJ) to do an overnight visit at Harvey Mudd, my first choice school. In exchange for a day and a half of fragging demons and n00bs, I get to have some much needed driving practice and a better chance of getting into my first choice school...

I suppose its a good trade :).

Either way, I'm going, and it should be interesting. See ya Tuesday.

Saturday, November 09, 2002

No need for Noah's Ark

Well, despite warnings of "its gonna get worse", it never did. Today was filled with a light drizzle, except for the morning, forcing me to accept a ride from my parents. I had to walk home in a light rain.

I whooped a few dozen wussies on Unreal Tournament, and went to work.

Came home, lost a game of War3, and wrote this bog.

Eh, boring days are the best :).

BTW: This is Friday. Not Saturday.

Its just really late :).
No need for Noah's Ark

Well, despite warnings of "its gonna get worse", it never did. Today was filled with a light drizzle, except for the morning, forcing me to accept a ride from my parents. I had to walk home in a light rain.

I whooped a few dozen wussies on Unreal Tournament, and went to work.

Came home, lost a game of War3, and wrote this bog.

Eh, boring days are the best :).

Thursday, November 07, 2002

Rain, School, Rain, C++, and More Rain

Well, about 3 minutes after my morning post, I took off for school. There was a light drizzle going on. Nothing to worry about, just a bit ominous. Rain is never fun on a bike.

School was video in Econ, and Sunset Blvd. in Film :). I love Thursdays this year. Only 2 periods, wake up at 9, get to school at 10, out of school at 2.

Then came the ride home. When I left school I was putting my jacket hood under my helmet as a percaution.

Nearing my first turn, the wind picked up and it started to get wet.

At my second turn, I was switching into lower gears to battle the wind. I was getting really wet, and my grey jacket had a bit of a pattern of grey and dark grey...

On the home stretch, I was going very slowly and praying to god no cars were behind me, since I couldn't look back easily.

I got home pretty wet, but nothing major. Just an annoyance. My dark grey jacket has turned into a normal grey already.

I finished up my c++ project, saving it when all the bugs were finished, and going to watch some TV for a bit of a break.

At about 5:30, the tv turned off, as did the lights and all else electrical that was connected to the power lines.

At about 5:32, the tv turned back on, as did everything else. I went into my room, saw my computer booting up (for the first time in weeks!), my stereo on standby, and my clock flashing 5:32.

After everything was reset to normal, I finished up the code, before the power could go out again, and I hoped for one of two things:

1: Rain stops for 30 minute intervals around 9:00 and 2:30 tomorrow (when I bike to school).

2: Rain is so bad that it knocks off power for the school, but not my house, and I am given a day off due to power outage :).

It could happen :).
Quick Entry before school:

We won in chess yesterday, but we DID play the worst team in the league.

Ironic part is that their the only private school in the league.

Spent time on the C++ project last night. I'm down to 15 errors! All related, fortunately.

And now I see the clock burning a hole in the back of my head. Gotta hurry.

Monday, November 04, 2002

I'd talk about something tonight, but I don't wanna.

At least I'm out of the self-pity :). Reading Douglas Adams and talking to good friends will do that. :)

Sigh, since I have nothing to talk about, might as well expain the name of the blog.

The title "TheoryCraft Masters" refers to the game Warcraft 3. And also Starcraft, in a sense.

There are people, like Grrr... and Tillerman who are damn good at playing RTS's. They're fast, they know how to counter, and they are amazing at micro.

Then there are those like me.

I know about the units. I know that Armor upgrades are better than weapon upgrades. I know that the DOTC bear form is the most damaging tier 3 unit. I know most of the stats, and I know where to find the rest.

What I do best is called theorycraft. It works out well on paper, but not so well when I attempt it. I just don't have the micromanagement abilities guys like Tillerman do.

I wish I had those powers. Until I gain them, I'll make do with what I have.

Hence the name TheoryCraft Masters. I am a master of TheoryCraft.

Besides, it just sounds cool :).

Sunday, November 03, 2002


My job took 3 hours of orc-killing time away from me today.

I'd be a shame if I actually played War3 nonstop. Oh well.

Simpson's Halloween special was horrid. They gave away all the jokes in the trailer. Every "scary" story had sexual references in it not neccessarily a bad thing, but it was overdone.

Only decent show on tonight was Malcom in the Middle, and even then...


Whatever happened to the nice, decent family shows...

Got class tomorrow. I should start on my C++ program soon. I got too much stuff going on.

And I have college after this school year gets out. More hard classes.


One sec while I pull myself out of self pity...

Oh, btw, could anyone who's reading this blog post in the comment link below? Just so I know if anyone's reading.

Saturday, November 02, 2002


Woke up at noon, still tired.

Went to work at four. Barely managed to stay awake throughout work.

Got out, and went online and found the BS in the "It's a conspiracy" link below.

I just wanna sleep...

Oh, and I uploaded 5 more CD's into my iTunes library. It was at 23 plus a bunch of R&E movie reviews, now its at 28. That equals to 1.1 days of music :).

Wraithy a happy boy :).

I'm sorry, but this just seems idiotic. Here's a few reasons:

There's no reason to wait for six months. None what-so-ever. Maybe a month or two, but not six.

Also, this guy seems to be someone who knows how to make a webpage, but he chose red text on a black background, a certifiable web page no-no (red text tends to blend, and the sharp contrast tires the eyes when you try to read it).

i'm judging by the source code, which I guess he could've pawned off of another web site.

Also, there's the fact that he went out of his way to make it big and ugly.

Judge it for yourself. And I probably just did exactly what the guy wanted me to do by posting this, but I'm sure you'll find it eventually...

Friday, November 01, 2002

Ahh, Friday!

Yesterday's Midterm was a lot easier than I expected. Only 6 multiple choice questions, and I didn't need anything resembling an hour to take it. Weird.

Now, I have about an hour to relax and game before getting dragged off to work.

Oh well.

Halloween attendence was suprisingly low. Although I saw a few slackers (one came with a bunch of hats on his head...), it was mostly interesting. Lots of little tykes were trick-or-treating, and most, if not all, came before dinner (aka suvivor), a bit suprising. Oh well.

Happy Entrails! (http://www.blizzard.com/ click on the downloads in the first new item :) )